Mojo (UK)



- Kieron Tyler

Volcano-force second album from West Britain’s guitarnois­e dream team.

The Devon-born, now Bristoldwe­lling Spectres peeled paint in 2015 with their scorching debut album Dying. Its followup, Condition, lifts roofs. The twin touchstone­s of Sonic Youth’s Bad Moon Rising and My Bloody Valentine’s You Made Me Realise remain, but this is a harder-edged, less direct, more individual album than its predecesso­r and much more satisfying than Dead, last year’s superfluou­s remix reconfigur­ation of Dying. Condition sounds huge, as if the quartet were playing at maximum volume in a canyon. Sudden shifts between grinding white-noise guitar and metronomic strumming – evoking vintage Steve Albini – are set off against terse riffs and hazy, choirboy vocals. Springy drums and elastic bass save the whole from being unremittin­g. There are no hits but gale-strength Welcoming The Flowers and the almostball­ad Colour Me Out are toetappers extraordin­aire. The uncompromi­sing Condition is extremely attractive.

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