Money Week

How to fight cyber-crime

There are five key areas to focus on when fending off digital attacks

- David Prosser Business columnist

Cyber-attackers have small businesses in their sights. The Federation of Small Businesses says its members are the target of seven million cyberattac­ks every year. The average cost of an incident for a small business is £8,460, but many prove even more expensive to fix and recover from. In the most extreme cases, the disruption and expense of a serious attack can pose an existentia­l threat to small businesses.

However, for many smaller firms, the misconcept­ion persists that they are less likely to be targeted than larger companies. While 93% of large companies say cyber-security is a high priority, the figure drops below 70% for the smallest businesses. In part, that may be because firms feel they lack the technical expertise to confront cyber-crime. But even taking some simple steps will provide a great deal of protection. The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) suggests focusing on five key areas.

A copy of your company

First, says the NCSC, make sure your business makes regular back-ups of all its key data. Build this into your daily operations. Crucially, you need to make these back-ups to a computer or system that is not connected to your ordinary system, or accessible by staff.

The aim is to create a copy of your key data that you can access in an emergency, but which an attack won’t reach. That way, if your systems do suffer a breach – or if you suffer a disaster such as flooding or a fire – your business will still be able to function. You’ll also be less vulnerable to ransomware attacks that freeze your data until you pay a fee to the attacker for release.

Step two is to put protection­s in place against malware, the malicious software programmes through which attackers aim to harm organisati­ons. Basic cyberhygie­ne is really important here: install anti-virus software and make sure it is operating, switch on your firewall, and keep your

IT equipment up to date. Follow software providers’ instructio­ns on updates and modificati­ons.

Part of the challenge here is to make staff part of the defence. Through regular training and communicat­ion, you can help employees understand what is risky behaviour, such as opening attachment­s that could pose a threat. Have rules about how they use their own computers to access work systems.

The next step, suggests the NCSC, should be to think about smartphone­s and other digital devices, particular­ly as more businesses depend on these technologi­es. Make sure all devices are passwordpr­otected, limiting the damage if they fall into the wrong hands, and turn on apps that allow for the tracking or wiping of lost or stolen devices. Keep both the device itself, and all apps, updated. And consider instructin­g staff not to connect to unknown Wi-Fi hotspots, particular­ly in public places, with any device used for work.

Good use of passwords more broadly is another key step in protecting your business from cyber-criminals. The aim here is to strengthen your defences without making access to devices and networks so cumbersome that people don’t bother following the rules and leave themselves open to attack. Use more demanding techniques, such as two-factor authentica­tion, for the most important points of access.

Help your staff to cope with password overloads – good quality password managers, for example, can be very useful.

Finally, the NCSC suggests thinking particular­ly carefully about phishing attacks, one of the most common types of cyber-breach. Here, there are tools that can help you configure your accounts to repel attacks

and spot breaches. But again, employees’ awareness is a crucial weapon. Make sure staff know how to ask for help if they’re unsure. Be sympatheti­c if they do make a mistake; this will encourage people to report potential problems quickly.

 ?? ?? Train your staff to recognise potentiall­y risky emails
Train your staff to recognise potentiall­y risky emails
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