Motorcycle Sport & Leisure



Issue 751, April 2023, Richard Millington’s article on Adventure Travel was an interestin­g concept that made me think about our own motorbike travels and ‘adventures’. I went online and found a few definition­s of the word adventure: ‘unusual or exciting experience’ more often being ‘risky or dangerous’. As a self-employed, 50-year-old mother of four, I wouldn’t say I particular­ly like to take big risks and I certainly don’t try to put myself in unnecessar­ily dangerous places as a rule. However, depending on how you see it, I took up riding two years ago and undertook a week-long trip last summer across Europe on my own. Was that risky, dangerous, unusual or exciting?

Well, that all depends on your perspectiv­e, of course. Certainly I suffered my fair share of raised eyebrows, and I will admit to not being the most technicall­y minded, nor am I trained in the art of kung fu self defence so, yes, it might have been a bit risky. But as your article pointed out, Europe is not one of the most dangerous places to visit in the world, (I might have thought twice about Mexico).

The main draw for me and what I most appreciate­d was freedom. Freedom from having to think about others and freedom from having to be anywhere specific at any particular time. That meant that I didn’t plan my stops in detail, but I did have camping kit, including a tent and the ability to pay for board if needed. I knew that France would only let me camp with the owner’s permission, and I had enough of a rudimentar­y grasp of the language to allow me to ask for help if needed. Does that sound like enough PPP for you Richard, to prevent the other PPP from occurring?

Well anyway, I had a wonderfull­y interestin­g time, got home safe and sound, and one day I’ll find enough time to write about it properly!

Morven Macleod

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