Motorsport News


- Photos: Richard Styles, Steve Jones

Two of the UK’S leading race organisers have raised concerns with the MSA’S new rule that requires drivers of cars with a high power-to-weight ratio to have a National A licence.

The new rule will be introduced next season ( MN, July 20) and will affect cars with a power-to-weight ratio of 0.34bhp/kg or more. But both the 750 Motor Club and Classic Sports Car Club feel the move could have a negative impact on grassroots racers.

The 750MC’S competitio­ns secretary Giles Groombridg­e said: “I fully understand the reasons for doing it – at the moment there’s nothing to stop a complete novice from getting into something as fast as a GT3 car or historic F1 car for example. What could be an issue is we have very mixed categories with different classes and the onus would be on us to police it.

“This relies on competitor­s providing truthful and accurate data about their cars. Although we do have a rolling road it would be difficult logistical­ly [to test lots of cars].

“A couple of our championsh­ips will be affected – the vast majority of Bikesports cars would be and some RGBS. I’m not sure what the alternativ­e would be but it seems like the MSA were thinking of GT3 cars when they came up with the rule. Because it [the 0.34 figure] doesn’t include the weight of the driver it’s a problem for championsh­ips with lightweigh­t cars.”

The regulation change would also affect many of the Caterhams that run in the CSCC’S Magnificen­t Sevens series, as well as other kit cars and the models used in the Special Saloons category.

Club competitio­ns director Hugo Holder said: “It seems very unfair on people. Anything that increases safety we are up for but the way they have done it seems like a tax on the little man.

“Whilst we agree there should be some sort of restrictio­n on novices, we lobbied to have the rule only apply to drivers in cars who have to run with a novice cross, without success. This would have achieved exactly the same thing.

“The only difference between this and the new rule, is an extra £32 charge per year per driver [for the upgraded licence].”

The MSA was unavailabl­e for comment as MN went to press.

 ??  ?? Bikesports will also be affected CSCC runs mixed grids
Bikesports will also be affected CSCC runs mixed grids

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