Musselburgh Courier

Hopes that mansion could at last be sold


A MANSION which has not been used by East Lothian Council for more than a decade could finally be sold within a matter of months.

Alderston House, to the north of Haddington, was previously earmarked for the county’s first crematoriu­m.

The local authority’s planning committee gave the go-ahead for the Georgian mansion house to be transforme­d about 10 years ago.

But those plans failed to progress and the building – which was also previously used as a private house, as well as a convalesce­nt home for the Scottish Rural Workers’ Society and a nurses’ training school – has been for sale for a number of years.

A spokespers­on for the local authority said that the building, which was also previously occupied by the council’s youth justice team and training and developmen­t, could finally be sold later this year.

They told the Courier: “Alderston House is under offer with a concluded missive and we expect the property to complete in the coming months.”

Meanwhile, progress is also being made on finding someone to take on the lease of the former Haddington Day Centre.

The building on the town’s Church Street was used by the day centre from 1986 to 2014 and latterly was used by Wee Red Upcycles, which moved out towards the end of last year.

The premises consist of three rooms: one open-plan room and two offices.

The council spokespers­on said: “9-12 Church Street was advertised for lease and closed on Friday, March 22.

“We are progressin­g with the successful bid and expect to have an entry date in the near future.”

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