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Homeopathy involves extremely diluted substances, often herbs or plants, generally given in tablet or liquid form, used to treat conditions ranging from skin conditions to mental health problems and much more. The theory behind it is that “like cures like”, so using a substance to cause a certain symptom would help treat that symptom. This is also called the Law of Similars.

For example, to treat the pain and swelling from a bee sting a homeopath may advise a treatment involving Apis, a substance made from bee venom. The substance is then diluted, with the belief that the more something is diluted, the greater its ability and power to be effective in treating symptoms. Many remedies are so diluted that none, or barely any, of the original substance is left, but it’s believed that there is “water memory” of the substance which allows it to work.

From a convention­al medical point of view there is no evidence that homeopathy works any better than a placebo medicine. Indeed in 2010 a House of Commons Science and Technology Committee said that there is no evidence for either the theories of homeopathy or the treatments used.

However they are so dilute as to be non-toxic and safe, even in overdose, and are unlikely to do harm.

Homeopathy is not generally available on the NHS. There are no legal requiremen­ts to be on a homeopath register, so if you are going to see a homeopath please check that they have the relevant qualificat­ions.

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