My Weekly Special


The incredible healing energy of the plant world


Flower essences can help with many of the issues that sometimes threaten to engulf us – for instance, feelings of anger, lack of confidence, depression, procrastin­ation and difficulty in coping. Infused with the vibrationa­l energy of wild flowers, trees and some garden flowers, essences can help shift long-standing behaviour and release negative thought patterns. So they are ideal for rebalancin­g emotions and gaining insight to problems, enabling us move for ward mentally and spirituall­y.

The essences are made by floating the flowers in spring water, adding organic alcohol (or organic cider vinegar for those who do not want to take alcohol) and then diluting that liquid. Each plant has a dif ferent lesson to teach us. For instance, cowslip helps us feel nur tured and suppor ted; dandelion is for those who would like to grow in confidence and be more effective; bindweed helps lessen feelings of panic. Evening primrose can be an aid to ridding ourselves of outdated patterns. Essences can be used straight from the bottle; just place a few drops under your tongue or you can add a dropper ful to your bath. You can mix and match – it is per fectly safe to take more than one at the same time.

The practice of using essences to help balance emotional states and change self-limiting behaviours is not a new idea. Indigenous people improved their wellbeing by drinking the dew that collected on flowers and there is evidence of their use in ancient Egypt, among the Celtic Druids and the Australian Aborigines. In the 16th centur y, Swiss physician, botanist and alchemist Paracelsus wrote of collecting dew from blossoms to treat emotional imbalances. Fur ther down the line in the 1930s, Edward Bach discovered a link between his patients’ physical ailments and their emotional states.

Flower essences can be taken safely by ever yone including babies and animals – you can give them to your plants too if you feel they are in need of a boost! Those who are not sure which essence to choose could tr y dowsing using a pendulum. It removes conscious thought from the process, helping get to the source of the underlying problem and which flower essences could help with that. It’s similar to human relationsh­ips in that flower essences are subjective in their action. Dowsing bypasses preconceiv­ed ideas about what the essence will help with and which essences we think we need.

Saskia’s flower essences (find online at www.saskiasflo­weressence­ are of the highest quality and made with the utmost love and care. If you email Saskia with your photo and needs, she will also dowse to help you choose what is best for you.

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