My Weekly Special


It’s a common injur y for many and a few simple steps at home can help


The ankle is a very complex joint made of lots of small bones connected together and supported by ligaments.

Spraining an ankle is a common injur y generally due to turning the ankle in one direction more than usual stretching the suppor tive ligaments.

The symptoms of a sprained ankle start with pain, but as pain is subjective this can be anything from mild to severe. There is also likely to be swelling of the ankle and bruising, which may develop and change in the skin over a few days.

The swelling and pain then make it difficult to move the ankle, so you may notice that your ankle becomes stif f and it may be difficult to bear weight on it and walk as normal.

Sprained ankles can generally be managed at home following RICE which stands for:

– – so no marathons or exercise training! However it has been shown that weight bearing and walking can be helpful, so tr y to keep moving as normal. This is why people with sprained ankles are often not given crutches. Keep moving, but gently, to try to relieve any stiffness. – – to help relieve pain and bring down swelling. A pack of frozen veg works just fine, but put a tea towel underneath to protect your skin from freezer burn!

– –a suppor tive bandage.

– – keeping your foot and ankle higher than your hips can help bring down swelling.

Don’t forget over the counter painkiller­s can be very effective.

Exercises which can help include flexing and pointing your feet as well as moving your ankle in all directions, drawing circles clockwise and counterclo­ckwise with your foot in the air or even tr ying to draw the alphabet with your foot in the air can be a good workout!

As always if things don’t improve seek medical advice.

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