My Weekly Special

Savoury Picnic Tartlets


With picnic season upon us, we can’t wait to try out

this new picnic recipe from Bonne Maman

You’ll need:

◆ 3 large Spanish onions, thinly sliced

◆ 3 fat garlic cloves, thinly sliced

◆ 3tbsp olive oil

◆ 50g butter

◆ A handful of fresh rosemary sprigs

◆ 8tbsp Bonne Maman Peach Conserve

◆ 100ml dry white wine ◆ 1 x 375g chilled, ready rolled puff pastry ◆ 1 large egg, beaten ◆ 3 tbsp mascarpone cheese

◆ 25g Roquefort or any soft, blue-veined cheese

◆ 6 thick slices goats’ cheese

◆ Freshly ground black pepper


Preheat the oven to 220°C, fan 200°C, gas mark 7.


Tip the onions and garlic into a large pan with the olive oil, butter and about 1tbsp of rosemary leaves taken from the handful of sprigs. Cook, stirring, over a low heat until the onions are soft and deep golden

brown. This will take around 15-20min.


Add the peach conserve and wine and bring to the boil. Bubble gently, stirring, until the onions are sticky and glazed with most of the liquid evaporated. Leave to cool.


Unroll the puff pastry sheet and stamp out 6 x 12cm rounds. Place on a baking sheet and, with a sharp knife, score an inner circle about 1cm from the edge. Brush the pastry lightly with some of the egg and bake in the preheated oven for 8min or until pale golden brown.


Spoon the caramelise­d onions into the centre of each tartlet case. Beat together the mascarpone, remaining egg and the blue cheese in a separate bowl. Dip the goats’ cheese slices into the mixture to coat lightly, then sit them on top of the onions. Season with pepper and a few extra rosemary leaves.


Bake for a further 8-10min, or until the cheese is golden and beginning to melt.

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