My Weekly


A string of summer Fridays on This Morning is a delight for this irrepressi­ble born presenter…


◆ Many hours of my life – certainly when I was a student – have been spent watching This Morning, this daytime TV institutio­n, so I genuinely couldn’t wait to see what was in store. I’m using the opportunit­y to pick James Martin’s brilliant cooking brain for top tips and get misty-eyed over Yorkshire with him. Roll on Fridays! ◆ According to my mum, I wanted to work in broadcasti­ng as soon as I could speak. I used to watch TV all the time and by 14 I was working at my local radio station in Bradford. I planned to become a documentar­ies director, but given how chatty I was as a teenager it makes sense that I’m on screen and not behind it. Now, TV is more than a job for me: it’s my passion, my hobby, my everything. ◆ In terms of TV I still feel like I am just starting out. I know I am doing really great programmes but in my mind I’m still just ting There are so many things I want to do: write a book, write a screenplay, so much. ◆ I do feel very fortunate. But I also believe hard work pays off, and I work very hard. Luck favours the brave. ◆ There’s so much I still want to do and that’s the thing with this industry. The brilliant thing about it, and also the downside of it, is that there is no set path. It also means you can do loads of stuff… Maybe I’ll write a book, maybe I’ll have a cookbook coming out, who knows?!


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 ??  ?? Anita and James – fresh faces on Fridays
Anita and James – fresh faces on Fridays

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