My Weekly

I Have Nothing To Look Forward To


I’ve just turned 60 and for the first time in my life I feel a bit lost. My kids are all grown up – even my grandchild­ren are teenagers who don’t need a babysitter anymore. I’ll be retiring in a couple of years. Previously, I’ve always had the prospect of a big life event to look forward to, like a wedding or the birth of a baby. Now it feels like my next big life events will be retirement and death. How can I re-discover my purpose in life?

I do empathise with you! You’ve reached a new phase and it’s important to embrace it rather than dread it. one thing’s for sure, you can’t hold back time but you can enjoy the time you have. We’re all living longer these days and retirement can be for many years with good physical health, so it should be embraced and looked forward to. How many people do you know who say they are so busy in retirement that they don’t know how they found time to work? this next phase needs some thought, though, so ask yourself what you need and want. You are in charge of this. What about meeting likeminded and interestin­g people? the university of the third Age is one possibilit­y ( or an open university course ( or start smaller by joining a gym or local book club. Have you thought of helping in a charity shop? there are so many organisati­ons desperate for help, including primary schools who need adults to listen to children reading. retirement is an opportunit­y to do something different. it is not a time to feel isolated and alone. You are not alone. You are in fact part of the majority!

Ask yourself what you need and want from retirement

 ??  ?? Embrace retirement!
Embrace retirement!

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