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INGREDIENT­S For the cake:

◆ 120g margarine, softened

◆ 120g golden caster sugar

◆ 110g self-raising flour, sifted

◆ 30g cocoa powder, sifted

◆ 1tbsp cornflour

◆ 1 pinch salt

◆ 2 large eggs

◆ 2tbsp milk

For the ganache:

◆ 250g dark chocolate, at least 70% cocoa solids, chopped

◆ 250ml double cream

◆ 2tbsp butter

To decorate:

◆ 150g white chocolate, chopped

◆ 150g dark chocolate, at least 70% cocoa solids

◆ Mint leaves, washed and thoroughly dried

◆ 280g raspberrie­s

1 For the cake: Preheat the oven to 180°C (160° fan), gas 4. Grease and line the base of a heart-shaped cake mould with greaseproo­f paper; silicone moulds work best.

2 Combine all the ingredient­s in a large mixing bowl. Beat thoroughly with electric mixer set to a high speed until the batter is smooth and even, about 3min. Spoon into the prepared mould and bake for about 30min until risen and dry to the touch on top; a cake tester or toothpick should come out clean from its centre. Remove to a wire rack to cool then turn out from the mould onto a cake stand or board.

3 For the ganache: Place the chocolate in a heatproof bowl. Warm the cream to boiling point in a saucepan set over a moderate heat. Remove the cream from the heat and pour over the chocolate. Leave the mixture to stand for 1min before stirring until smooth. Add the butter and continue to stir until incorporat­ed.

4 Let the ganache cool and thicken for 10min before masking the cake by spreading a thin layer of the ganache evenly over the top and sides of the cake. Let it set for 5min before spreading a thicker layer of the ganache over the top and sides.

5 To decorate: Melt the two chocolates, one by one, in separate heatproof bowls in the microwave; microwave on high in 10-second bursts, stirring well between bursts until melted.

6 Line a tray with greaseproo­f paper. Use a clean pastry brush to paint the melted chocolate onto the undersides of the mint leaves. Drape the leaves over the handles of wooden spoons that are set on the lined tray. Chill for 20min until set.

7 Arrange the chocolate leaves on top of the cake around a mound of raspberrie­s. Slice with a warm, slightly wet knife when serving.

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