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Consume more water and confine sugary food and drinks to meal times only,” suggests Dr Hyare. “It is not necessaril­y the amount of sugar, more how often it is consumed. Confining it to meal times reduces the number of times your teeth are being attacked by acids. Sugar-free gum can help to neutralise acids after mealtimes, therefore helping to reduce decay.

“Another problem associated with certain acids in food and drink can be those that cause erosion of the enamel. This can result in sensitivit­y.”

“Eat more apples and strawberri­es,” adds Dr Marques. “These contain malic acid which helps to naturally cleanse the teeth. Also, cheese and nuts can mechanical­ly clean the teeth while eating them. Smoking, red wine and black tea or coffee should obviously be avoided.

“Better gum health comes from eating a good diet with low sugar (which feeds plaque and bacteria). Having enough B and C Vitamins is important to gum health as well.

“Now people see celebritie­s with great, healthy smiles they feel that they should look after their teeth for the longer term. They realise that a whiter, brighter smile is a great smile which can make them appear more attractive, healthier and more youthful.”

“Teeth with a poor appearance can be really ageing,” adds Dr Hyare. “Psychologi­cally, a lot of patients who don’t have many teeth, or many teeth that look nice, have low confidence and self-esteem.”

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