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Poppy Seed Lime Drizzle Cake


INGREDIENT­S Cake ingredient­s ◆ 125g plain flour ◆ 1 level tsp baking powder ◆ 175g butter, soft ◆ 175g Total Sweet Xylitol ◆ 3 medium eggs ◆ Zest of 3 large limes (or 3 lemons if

you prefer), finely grated ◆ 50g ground almonds ◆ 25g poppy seeds ◆ approx 50ml skimmed milk Syrup ingredient­s ◆ Squeeze about 100ml juice from 3 large limes (or 3 lemons), and half the zest from above ◆ 30g Total Sweet Xylitol

1 Preheat the oven to 180°C, Fan 160°C, Gas Mark 4. Line the sides and base of a 20cm square cake tin with baking parchment

2 Sieve the flour and baking powder, mixing together evenly. Using an electric mixer and a separate bowl, beat the butter and the xylitol together until light and fluffy (around 3min). Whisk in the eggs gradually, adding a little flour with each one, and half the zest of the limes or lemons. Keep the juice for later.

3 Fold the remaining flour into the cake mixture and stir in the almonds and poppy seeds, adding enough milk to make a soft consistenc­y so that the mixture is just dropping off the spoon.

4 Spread the cake mixture into the prepared tin, smooth the top and bake for about 35min, until firm and springy in the centre. Test with a skewer; if it comes out clean or a few crumbs clinging, it’s done. Remove from the oven and leave to cool slightly.

5 While the cake is still warm, make the syrup for the drizzle. Mix the juice of the limes or lemons, the remaining zest and the xylitol. Poke a few little holes all over the top and spoon the syrup over slowly, to leave a satisfying, moist and crunchy topping.

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