My Weekly

Spiced Apple Tea Cake



INGREDIENT­S ◆ 150g plain flour ◆ 2 level tsp baking powder ◆ 1tsp cinnamon ◆ 1tsp allspice ◆ 150g Total Sweet Xylitol ◆ 2 medium eggs ◆ 50ml (scant 4tbsp) vegetable oil

or melted coconut oil ◆ 100ml semi-skimmed milk ◆ 150g green apple, washed ◆ 1tsp vanilla extract or paste For the cider crunch topping (optional) ◆ 1tbsp Total Sweet Xylitol ◆ Scant tbsp cider 1 Oil and line the base of a small cake tin: 18cm. Preheat the oven to 170°C, Fan 150°C, Gas Mark 4. 2 Weigh out all your ingredient­s. In a large bowl, sieve the flour with the baking powder and spices, to mix evenly. Stir in the xylitol. 3 Core the apple, leave the peel on and chop into small chunks, about 1-2cm. In a small bowl, mix the eggs, oil, milk, apple chunks and vanilla.

4 Fold the wet ingredient­s into the dry mixture and stir until combined. Don’t beat. The mixture will still look a little lumpy rather than smooth. Spread the cake mixture into the prepared tin, smooth the top and pop into a preheated oven for about 50-60min until a skewer inserted into the middle comes out clean or with a few crumbs. Allow to cool, turning out of the tin after 10min or so, to cool completely on a wire rack.

5 For the crunchy cider topping: finish the cake just before serving. Mix just enough of the cider with the xylitol to make a wet “paste”. Dot the crunchy paste over the cake. Best enjoyed fresh or freeze on the same day.

TIP: Don’t peek and open the oven door until at least the last 10min or the cake may sink. Baking times will vary depending on your oven – adjust the time and temperatur­e.

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