My Weekly

Starry Insights With Russell



MAR 21 - APR 20 You won’t be able to charm an authority figure, so instead of asking favours, buckle down and do what is expected of you. Acting like you’re above responsibi­lities is a surefire way to attract negative attention. Astro Tip: Share your bounty.


APRIL 21 - MAY 21 You should listen to an experience­d friend or colleague. You may not agree with their methods, but going against them could create problems, so do what is asked of you. Astro Tip: Seek out new business opportunit­ies.


MAY 22 - JUNE 21 Facing a bully is exhausting. You’re tired of pretending their nasty comments don’t affect you. The next time you get an insult, strike back. Confrontin­g your tormentor will make them back down. Astro Tip: Visit a place of natural beauty.


JUNE 22 - JULY 23 Tired of being pushed around by people who think they are better? Striking out on your own will be liberating. You might upset one or two people along the way, but that’s just too bad! Astro Tip: Spoil yourself with a glamorous trip.


JUL 24 - AUG 23 A health problem can no longer be ignored. Trying to treat the problem with over the counter remedies has failed. A career achievemen­t will put you in the spotlight. Astro Tip: Host a party for close friends.


AUG 24 - SEP 23 Taking a financial or romantic risk will backfire. You’ll regret being free with your money and emotions. Maintain the status quo, even if it means being bored. A legal matter is decided in your favour. Astro Tip: Form alliances for a new venture.


SEP 24 - OCT 23 A bossy family member has to be put in their place. You’re tired of bending over backwards for someone who is never grateful. Stop answering calls from this pest! Astro Tip: Answer demands on your own terms.


NOV 23 - DEC 21 Trying to buy someone’s affection will cause resentment. If it’s to be a good relationsh­ip, you must give it quality time. If your friend sees you making an effort they’ll let down their defences. Astro Tip: Be patient in all matters.


DEC 22 - JAN 20 Throwing your weight around at work won’t do your reputation much good. You have to give people an element of freedom. Trust people to do their best and they’ll surpass expectatio­ns. Astro Tip: Take a more laid-back approach.


JAN 21 - FEB 19 Qualms, queries, angsts and anxieties will stop you taking a necessary risk. If you’re going to move forward, you have to put something important on the line. Astro Tip: Give yourself a little reward.


FEB 20 - MAR 20 Friends pressure you to take a path that seems all wrong to you. Obey your instincts, even at the risk of being unpopular. Finishing a writing project, blog post or podcast will be satisfying. Astro Tip: Stand by your own opinions.

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