My Weekly

Starry Insights With Russell



AUG 24 - SEPT 23 A special scheme will be completed well ahead of deadline, thanks to you. Don’t be modest. Your energy seems to be limitless and you’ll take every chance to get ahead. A misunderst­anding that has been blown out of proportion is causing problems in a relationsh­ip. After a heart-to-heart you will be back to mutual harmony.


MAR 21 - APR 20 You’re tiring of mundane matters like work and money. You might feel you’ve lost touch with your inner child. Think about changing your routine and look for chances to be more spontaneou­s. Astro Tip: Lady Luck will be smiling down on you.


APRIL 21 - MAY 21 Working in harmony with others won’t be difficult, even people you don’t often see eye to eye with. Social events will be enjoyable and you may get to meet a VIP. Astro Tip: Thank someone for their help and kindness.


MAY 22 - JUN 21 Problems in a close relationsh­ip or at work have been preying on your mind. You’ll grasp any chance to set the record straight. Are you single? You could be swept off your feet by a friend of a friend. Astro Tip: This is a time to love and be loved.


JUN 22 - JUL 23 It will be easier to communicat­e with those in your private world. You’ll focus on your closest relationsh­ips. Whether romantic or platonic, it will feel good to be on the same wavelength. Astro Tip: Keep a low profile this week.


JUL 24 - AUG 23 Your job and family commitment­s are stressful. Taking charge of a project has been satisfying but you’re ready for a break. This has left you too tired to enjoy other aspects of life. Astro Tip: Changing your routines will be therapeuti­c.


SEP 24 - OCT 23 A joint effort will be successful so stop telling yourself it isn’t going to work. Don’t feel you will not be good enough or might let someone down. They have faith in you; you should start believing in yourself too. Astro Tip: Accept spontaneou­s invitation­s.


OCT 24 - NOV 22 Putting your needs aside for a while will be worth it when you see how much this means to others. Walking a neighbour’s dog or helping with childcare will make you feel useful. Astro Tip: Put your ideas into action.


NOV 23 - DEC 21 You’re feeling upbeat and confident about most things, aware of all that’s going on around you. You make a great impression because you’re so observant, with a good sense of what makes others tick. Astro Tip: Choose your words with care.


DEC 22 - JAN 20 You might surprise yourself and your friends by making impulsive decisions. You’ll be quick to think and act because you’re looking for excitement. Invitation­s are heading your way. Astro Tip: Work will feel like a pleasure.


JAN 21 - FEB 19 Job or financial opportunit­ies will bring improvemen­ts. Positive change will boost your confidence. You are making tremendous progress at work, confirming that you’re moving upwards in status. Astro Tip: Join a group project.


FEB 20 - MAR 20 You’re ready to announce your plans for the future. Someone may accuse you of acting hastily but you have put a lot of thought into certain issues. You will soon be proved right. Astro Tip: Meet up with friends who share similar goals to yours.

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