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Ba aby Blues


Kym m’s happy home life cou uld not be more diffe erent to her family life on screen, where Micchelle Connor’s growwn-up sons do not seee eye-to-eye.

RRyan is the son she brouught up, but when he was a teennager it was revealed there had been a mix-up at the hospital and Ali wwas actually her biological child.

“She’s always wanted them to get along, but unfortunat­ely they justt don’t and she’s exhausted by the two of them,” Kym says.

HHer partner, Bistro boss Robert Preston, is keen for them to have a child of their own. Having lost her baby Ruari last year when he trag gically died at birth, Michelle has misgivings.

“She’s not keen,” Kym reveals. “Given her age, having lost Ruari and d the fact she’s got a lot of stress on her plate with Ali and Ryan, she e just doesn’t see it as an option.

“Obviously Robert is very keen, he’s not got children of his own, so they y’re at a bit of a crossroads. He really does want to try for a baby and d I think we’re going to see a bit of a journey for them both.”

The T Ruari storyline mirrored Kym’s own sad experience­s. Her son Arc hie was born 18 weeks early in 2009 and passed away soon after.

She S says, “I totally get where Michelle is coming from. I made the dec cision not to have any more children based on what had happened to mme with Archie and then nearly losing Polly in the same way. I wou uldn’t want to go through anything like that again.”

 ??  ?? Kym’s character Michelle has her hands full
Kym’s character Michelle has her hands full

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