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Cock-a-leekie Soup



◆ 2 whole roasted chicken legs (thighs and drumsticks)

◆ 2 large leeks

◆ 1 large carrot, peeled and roughly chopped ◆ 1 bay leaf

◆ 1 big sprig of thyme

◆ 6 peppercorn­s

◆ 1 dried chilli (optional)

◆ 100g long grain/basmati rice

(or black rice for drama!)

◆ 4 soft, ready-to-eat dried prunes

◆ Salt and freshly ground black pepper

◆ Toasted soda bread or oatcakes, to serve

1 Put the cooked chicken legs in a large pan with 2 litres of cold water and bring to the boil. Spit the leeks and wash them under cold water. Chop off the green parts and add to the chicken pot with the carrots, bay leaf, thyme and peppercorn­s and chilli (if using). 2 When the pot comes to the boil, skim, then turn down to a simmer, adding a good pinch of salt then gently simmer for 2hrs. 3 Slice the white part of the leek into rings, cover and reserve for later. Roughly chop the prunes, cover and reserve. 4 When cooked, strain the soup into a bowl then tip the liquid back into the pan (reserving the chicken), add the rice and cook for 10min, then add the leek rings to the pan. Cook for another 10-15min until the rice and leeks are soft. 5 Meanwhile, remove the skin from the chicken and strip off the meat, dividing it between 4 warmed soup bowls. 6 Taste the soup and season if necessary (a squeeze of lemon is sometimes good). Ladle over the chicken and scatter the chopped prunes on top. Serve hot with toasted soda bread or oatcakes.

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