My Weekly

Reach For The Stars

Coffee Break Tale

- By Carmen Nina Walton

Hayley dawdled as she got ready for her Saturday night out with the girls. “Hurry up, Hayley. They’ll be here soon.” Even her mum knew she was running late.

She pulled a red dress over leggings and stepped into her heels. She looked the part, even if she didn’t feel it.

The girls arrived with their usual explosion of noise and perfume.

“Come on, Hayley,” they chorused. Hayley fixed on a smile and off they went.

The first stop was Dinkie’s Bar where they spilled the week’s events. Lately Hayley had taken to listening more than talking. Her mates were becoming people she didn’t know, with ambitions that left her feeling uninterest­ing.

Rosie began, “My boss said to me, ‘Reach for the stars, they’re within your grasp.’” Rosie once worked as a server in the cafe chain where she’d become a manager. She’d risen through the ranks like a shooting star.

“Listen to this.” It was Charlotte next. “If we hit our sales targets, we’re all off to Amsterdam for a weekend.”

On it went – talk of targets, ambition, the race to be at the top of the world.

Hayley had nothing to add. She’d worked at Buckley’s Biscuits since she was at school and enjoyed baking and selling boxes of shortbread, ginger swirls and almond cookies to enthusiast­ic customers. But she couldn’t say that to people who’d smashed targets, opened new branches and skimmed the stars.

“How was your week, Hayley?” Rosie notic ced she was quiet.

“Good.G We tried out a new recipe for coco onut hearts.” Silen nce greeted her word ds – but the girls weree soon laughing and talking againagain.

Mrs Buckley’s coconut biscuits were more exciting that she made them sound. The staff waited for them to bake, sighing when the delicate biscuits left the oven in a waft of coconut. When they were cool enough to eat they’d dived on them.

Good weekend?” Mrs Buckley was a matter-of-fact woman who cared about her staff.

“Not bad,” Hayley said glumly. While her friends had long talons she kept her nails short for hygiene reasons. While they hot-footed in heels she clopped in clogs.

“Hmm.” Mrs Buckley seemed concerned. “I want everyone in the office later to look at wrappings for the new biscuits, to decide which one’s best.”

The staff at Buckley’s buzzed with quiet excitement while Hayley tried to look enthusiast­ic.

“What’s got into you today?” Josie, her colleague, asked as she wheeled past a vat of warm chocolate.

“I was out on Saturday with the girls and they’ve all got fancy jobs and ambitions. I feel left behind.”

“Do you?” Josie said, pouring her chocolate before it set. “Let’s go for pizza after work, all of us.” She looked around. “Who’s up for it?”

A show of floury hands meant that pizza after work was a definite.

“They all seem so suuccessfu­l,” Hayley explained to Josie later as they sipped coocktails aptly named Staarstruc­k. “In what way?” Josie asked. “They achieve targets and wi in awards.” Hayley took a sip p from a tall glass decorated wiith gold glitter. “They have fanncy manicures, business suits,su shoes. I feel a failure.” Josie nodded knowingly. “Failures don’t work with the smell of chocolate every day, nor do they bake biscuits that fill people with happiness.”

Hayley was about to answer, but Josie hadn’t finished.

“Failures don’t have brilliant work mates who’ll come out at the drop of a hat to cheer them up. And failures don’t have a caring boss or a dream job.” Josie ordered another Starstruck cocktail and smiled. “Think about it.”

How was your week, Hayley?” At Dinkie’s the girls sat in a chattering huddle. Their nails gleamed like jewels. Hayley had brushed ruby polish over her short nails and they looked fine.

“I baked two thousand chocolate star biscuits for a restaurant whose customers love them. I’ve brought some to try.”

Hayley handed round a box of the small biscuits. There was a quiet moment as the girls nibbled. “These are fab… you’re so clever.” Hayley beamed. Sometimes it took a bit of a nudge to see that success was made up of whatever made you happy.

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