My Weekly

Ask Helen

Celebrity agony aunt Helen Lederer gives you her heartfelt advice every week


Volunteeri­ng Is Taking Over My Life

Ihave a job volunteeri­ng at a community café and I used to really enjoy it. I started off at 10 hours a week, but this has gradually crept up to 15. To be honest, I’m struggling with what has turned out to be a part-time job. Even my husband is commenting on how often I am there. I really don’t want to let anyone down, but this isn’t what I signed up for. How can I get my involvemen­t back to a manageable level?

You are obviously someone who is great at your job – especially for them to want more of you. It is wonder ful that you are a volunteer and clearly you make a difference to people’s lives. However, I wonder, is there a reason for you doing more – such as a lack of existing staff, or maternity leave, or a sickness absence? I’m just wondering whether this is a situation that is likely to improve or not.

If the café is just exploiting your good

nature, then you do have to take some action and be heard. Why not ask for a meeting with the organiser of the charity? You can say how much you enjoy working there, but you can also remind them that 10 hours was your starting point, and do then give them reasons as to why that is where you want to remain.

It may not be easy to state your terms, especially in the sector you are working in – but it would benefit you to be firm, since you are suffering with the current situation, and no one should wish that on you.

With a pleasant and open discussion, I’m sure that you will make your point well, your own work will be valued and a solution to this new shortfall of hours can be found. They are lucky to have such a conscienti­ous and committed person to help make the place flourish.

If this is not a situation that is likely to improve, then ask for a meeting with the organiser

 ??  ?? I used to enjoy my work there
I used to enjoy my work there

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