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Money Talk

SUE’S GUIDE TO Saving Money This Winter


Winter can be an expensive old time. Cold weather means we crank up the heating in a bid to keep cosy and there’s more chance of car trouble.

So here are my ideas on how to keep both you and your bank balance cosy!

Switch energy suppliers Yes, I go on about it but it can save you hundreds of pounds a year and it’s quick and easy.

A super-simple way to do this is with WWW.LOOKAFTERM­YBILLS.COM Free to sign up, it checks deals and automatica­lly switches you every time a better one comes up.

Get your boiler serviced Yes, this will cost money (unless you’ve got a boiler service contract), but in the long run means both boiler and heating system will be more efficient. Plus there’s more chance of spotting problems early, before the heating packs up and you’re faced with an emergency call-out charge.

Heatproof your home It’s great to cut your bills, but if you’re paying to heat the street what’s the point? Check for draughts and plug them with draught excluder tape from DIY stores. Buy a cosy jacket for your hot water tank, turn off radiators in rooms you don’t use and shut the doors.

Check your car Get your vehicle serviced regularly. Check your oil and tyres, and if you can afford it, make sure you’ve got breakdown cover. This means help if you need it, and you can trade in Tesco vouchers to join the RAC or shop around on sites like WWW.COMPARETHE­MARKET.COM.


◆ If you get Pension Credit or certain other benefits, you can get extra cash in winter including a Cold Weather Payment of £25 each week the temperatur­e falls below zero. ◆ There are also Winter Fuel Payments worth up to £300. Check WWW.GOV.UK.

◆ If you’re struggling with heating bills, speak to your energy supplier. They can make special arrangemen­ts to help you spread payments.

 ??  ?? No need to freeze, says Sue
No need to freeze, says Sue
 ??  ?? Consumer expert Sue Hayward’s savvy finance tips and advice
Consumer expert Sue Hayward’s savvy finance tips and advice

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