My Weekly

ON THE COVER WIN! Salter Pan Set


“Have you done everything you wanted, Charlie?” Alys asked, as they redistribu­ted their bags and time began to run away with them.

“Pretty much.” He smiled, but then his face dropped.

“Are you sure?”

“There was just one other thing.” He shrugged. “But it doesn’t matter.”

Alys wondered if it was the same thing she’d had on her list.“What was it?”

“Oh, it was silly, really, especially in view of the text I had tonight.”

“What?” Alys urged.

“Well, I was going to suggest a holiday snap,” he explained, “to put on a card. I thought it would be fun, even though it was early days.”

“If it makes you feel any better,” Alys said, smiling, “I was going to suggest that Darren and I had one done too, but I don’t think he would have been all that keen.”

Charlie dumped his bags at his feet and pulled out the map they had been given in exchange for their tickets.

“What are you doing?” Alys frowned. “Looking for the booth,” said Charlie, pointing. “It’s only over there. Why don’t we have one done together?”

“What – a photo of us?” Alys laughed. “But we hardly know each other.”

“So?” said Charlie, fixing her with those beautiful blue eyes again. “I’ve had more fun with you tonight, Alys, than I’ve had with anyone in a very long time and I’d really like a keepsake to remind me of all the laughs we’ve had, in spite of our recent heartbreak.”

Alys was beginning to suspect that neither of them was actually all that heartbroke­n, but she did like the idea of still leaving the wonderland with a festive snap in her pocket.

“Oh, go on then.” She grinned. “Let’s go for it, but we’ll have to be quick, otherwise we’ll miss the coach.”

There were still two empty seats on the coach on the return journey, but this time they were next to each other. Alys and Charlie, with their purchases, were squeezed together, laughing at the collection of snaps they’d had taken and arranging when they would meet to exchange gifts and which festive films they could watch together.

“Well now.” The driver stroked his long white beard, once he finished counting heads. “I had a feeling you two were destined to get along.”

He sounded immensely satisfied, but Alys and Charlie didn’t notice; they were far too wrapped up in their fine festive romance.

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