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Raspberry & Lychee No-Bake Cheesecake


INGREDIENT­S (Serves 12-14)


◆ 200g digestive biscuits, crushed

◆ 175g sticks unsalted butter, melted

◆ 50g demerara sugar


◆ 400g full-fat cream cheese

◆ 300ml double cream, whipped until stiff

◆ 100g minus ½tbsp icing sugar

◆ 1tsp rose water

◆ 200g fresh raspberrie­s

◆ 1 x 225g can of lychees, well drained (or the same amount of peeled and pitted fresh lychees)

◆ Edible rose petals, to decorate EQUIPMENT

◆ 20cm loose-bottomed cake pan, lined with cling film (a spray of water inside the pan will help the plastic to stick) 1 For the base, blitz the crushed biscuits into fine crumbs in a food processor. Add the melted butter and blitz again to combine. 2

Transfer to a bowl and mix in the demerara sugar until well combined. Tip into the bottom of the prepared cake pan, spread evenly and press down firmly with your fingers until evenly compacted and firm. Place in the fridge to harden for about 30min. 3

Meanwhile, for the filling, put the cream cheese into a clean bowl and mix just to loosen. Fold in the whipped cream, icing sugar and rose water until well combined.

Finely chop 75g of the fresh raspberrie­s, reserving the rest and leaving them whole for the decoration. Reserve 6 lychees for decoration and finely chop the rest. Dr y the chopped lychees and chopped raspberrie­s with some kitchen paper to remove the excess juice and then mix lightly with the cream mixture – do not overmix, you want a marbled effect. 4

Take the base from the fridge and spoon the cream cheese mixture on top. Roughly smooth the sur face with a spatula. Freeze for 1–2 hours until firm but not frozen solid. 5

Remove the cheesecake from the pan and decorate by placing the reserved whole lychees evenly around the top edge, with whole raspberrie­s and petals spaced in between.

Serve immediatel­y.

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