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“Rose” Courgette Tartlets


INGREDIENT­S (Makes 8-10)

◆ ½ batch Sweet Shortcrust Pastry (see facing page) minus the sugar plain, for dusting

◆ 1 egg, beaten with 1tbsp water, for brushing


◆ 1 egg

◆ 125ml double cream

◆ 25ml/1½tbsp whole milk

◆ 1 shallot or small white onion, finely chopped

◆ 50g finely grated Parmesan cheese

◆ ¼tsp fine salt

◆ ½tsp freshly ground black pepper

◆ 1 good pinch ground nutmeg

◆ 3 courgettes

◆ 10cm plain or fluted round cookie cutter, or a glass just bigger than your pans


◆ 8-10 tartlet pans approx 7.5cm in

diameter, or a muffin pan 1 Prepare the shortcrust pastr y, leaving out the sugar. Remove it from the fridge 10min before using so that it is soft enough to roll out. Divide the pastry roughly in half and roll out one half on a lightly floured sur face until thin but not transparen­t. Stamp out 5 circles using the round cutter or glass. Gently press each pastry circle into each tart mould using the back of a small spoon to help. The edge of the pastry should rise above the edge of the mould a little. Prick the bottom and sides of the pastry a few times with a fork. Bring the pastry scraps together into a ball with the other half of the pastry and repeat the steps to make 3-5 more cases. 2

Refrigerat­e the pastr y cases for at least 10min to firm up. Preheat the oven to 200°C/fan 180°C/Gas 6. Brush the tart cases with the beaten egg, then bake in the preheated oven for 12min until the pastry is cooked but pale. Remove and leave to cool slightly, but keep the oven on. 3 Meanwhile, in a jug or pitcher, whisk together the egg, cream, milk, shallot or onion, Parmesan, salt, pepper and nutmeg. Pour into each tart case to fill about two-thirds of the way up.

Top and tail each courgette, then use a vegetable peeler to shave them into fine long ribbons.

Cut each ribbon in half lengthways so that each ribbon will have the green skin on one edge. 4

Place 8 half-ribbons on top of each other and gently roll into a spiral. Place inside a pastr y case with the green edges facing upwards; it might open up slightly but this is fine. Repeat for the remaining courgette and tart cases. Bake in the hot oven for 16min until lightly golden brown. These are delicious served warm or cold.

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