My Weekly

Keep Your Spirits Up

Social isolation is never going to be easy, but make it a whole lot better by trying out new hobbies and learning new things!



Make sure you stay in touch with friends and family by phone, so you have social contact in the day.

Arrange regular calls with others at risk of loneliness, and use mobile apps like Facetime, WhatsApp, or Skype on your computer to enjoy video calls with friends.


While it’s important to keep up with developmen­ts, watching the news throughout the day can be stressful and depressing at a time like this. Manage your viewing time, so you catch up with news developmen­ts just once or twice a day. If that still makes you anxious, perhaps you need a break for a few days and should just catch up occasional­ly.


Hobbies can provide great distractio­n from life’s ups and downs. Rekindle old hobbies and try new ones. Try colouring books, jigsaws, origami, gardening, sewing, knitting, reading, cooker y, photograph­y, playing a musical instrument, and just getting creative.


Physical exercise reduces anxiety and makes you feel better, so it’s good to work some kind of exercise into your daily routine. This could be walking round the garden, stepping up and down, following an exercise video, running up and down the stairs, or using home exercise equipment, like a bike.


Futurelear­n is an online pla atform offering e-learning courses s, which enable you to engage with other learners online, while stud ying a range of different subjects s. The courses are free. Subjects s include writing, photograp phy and visual arts, healthcare e and medicine, literature, natur re and environmen­t, politics and society, psychology and m ental health. WWW.FUTURELEAR­N.COM


Go to an event without actually going to an event! Theatres are closing across the UK, so shows will be streamed online. Check here for details: WWW.CULTUREWHI­SPER.COM/R/THEATRE/ THEATRE_ONLINE_STREAMING/15292

The Church of England has decided to suspend all services, but you can see church services and Christian commentary at WWW. CHURCHSERV­ICES.TV and WWW.CHRISTIANW­ORLDMEDIA.COM


When you’re feeling anxious, meditation canc help to calm your ner ves. Guided meditation­s ono YouTube offer step by step instructio­n. Alternativ­ely, sit quietly and focus on your breathing, relaxing your body from head to o toes. Meditation helps you become more aware e of your body, focus on the moment, and find calm m.


Make sure you have lots of great books to read. Order books online if there are new releases that interest you. Why not start an online book club with friends?


Try experiment­ing with photograph­y to take your mind off the problems in the world outside. Flowers in the garden are beautiful, but you can do a lot with creative photograph­y inside the house, too, taking interestin­g angles of everyday objects, crafts, or photos of yourself.

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