My Weekly

Ask Helen

Celebrity agony aunt Helen Lederer gives you her heartfelt advice every week


As someone who has been a social worker, mother, wife and divorcee I have been around the block a few times. I’m humbled to answer your questions and feel that if a problem can be shared it can be halved – at the very least.

Hearing aid technology is always improving, so encourage him to ask about other sources

so he does truly have reduced hearing. Secondly, hearing aid technology is improving all the time. I expect he must know that a volume of 63 is high. Have you pointed this out in a kind way? But fear not, there are options…

Why not get family and friends on your side? Can he hear them on the telephone or in a Zoom call? Or in the garden when they visit? He must be missing out and feeling frustrated. Encourage them to suggest that he go back to get better aids. Or maybe get an opinion outside the NHS – there are many, such as Boots, that give a free hearing test and have many different hearing aids. Making it a fun thing to see what is available will diminish the fear and help you both accept what has to be. Obviously rowing about it is upsetting. The more you can both face what is a reality, the more you can adjust to a new normal.

Write to Helen Lederer at: Ask Helen, My Weekly, 2 Albert Square, Dundee DD1 1DD. Helen is unable to enter into private correspond­ence with readers.

Fed up trying to get your washing dry when it won’t stop raining and the last lot is still hanging damply on the clotheshor­se? Well, NuBreeze, £49.99 from WWW.HIGHSTREET­TV.COM, could be the answer. At the base of this clever clothes storage system is a Breeze Bar, which blows cool air through specially designed air flaps to mimic nature’s breeze. This helps to evaporate all moisture and leaves clothes clean, fresh and dry in no time – and costs much less to run than a tumble dryer would. With over 12m of drying space, it holds up to 20kg of laundry with 32 clips on the sides for socks and smaller items. Easy to fold away, it even has wheels, so you can pop it out of sight when it’s not in use.

 ??  ?? He has the TV volume so loud!
He has the TV volume so loud!

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