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where Jesus walked

As Christmas approaches, we explore the places that go back to Biblical times…


Pilgrims have been visiting Bethlehem for hundreds of years. In the centre of the city you’ll find Manger Square, named after the trough where the newborn Jesus is said to have slept.

All year round Christians make their way to the Church of the Nativity on the eastern edge of the Square. Venture inside to the Nativity Grotto and see the 14-point Silver Star on the floor, said to be the exact birthplace of Jesus. This is the oldest church in the Holy Land, having been built on top of the site of Jesus’ birth, first in 4AD and then in 6AD. The church is filled with ornate decoration­s and is truly a place of beauty.

Jesus grew up with his family in their home town of Nazareth. To see what life was like for the new family, visit Nazareth Village. An open-air museum reconstruc­ts what the area probably looked like back in the first century. Guides will take you around the village where you’ll see actors in period costume tending to their homes and farms. You might even meet some sheep and a donkey!

While in Nazareth, take a trip to Mary’s Well, said to be the location where the Angel Gabriel first revealed to Mary that she would give birth to the Son of God.

The holy city of Jerusalem is an integral part of the Christian faith. The Church of the Holy Sepulchre is claimed to be the site of Jesus’ crucifixio­n, burial and resurrecti­on. The church is available for tours but try to get there early in order to avoid the crowds.

The peaceful Garden of Gethsemane lies just outside the walls of Jerusalem and is reportedly where Jesus was arrested the night before his crucifixio­n. The olive trees keep you company as you wander through this spiritual haven.

Reputed as the location of the Last Supper, the Cenacle upon Mount Zion is an ancient relic to experience. The Upper Room is said to be where Jesus and his disciples

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Manger Square

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