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The Toy Project makes sure that no child misses out at Christmas time


In a toy shop in the London borough of Islington, volunteers from The Toy Project are currently hard at work, helping to ensure Santa doesn’t overlook any children when he makes his deliveries on Christmas Eve.

“At Christmas, we give new toys to hundreds of children who would otherwise receive very little,” explains Jane Garfield, co-founder of The Toy Project, a charity which recycles unwanted new and used toys.

“These children might be a member of a family that’s struggling financiall­y, homeless or sheltering from domestic violence, or their dad might be in prison.

“Throughout the year, The Toy Project ensures that disadvanta­ged children have the toys they need to develop, learn and play by recycling unwanted toys – and every December, we do our very best to ensure that no child in our corner of London misses out on a gift from Santa.”

Jane explains that The Toy Project takes referrals from head teachers, social workers and community workers all year round, but in the lead up to Christmas, the number of referrals doubles.

“We ask what each child’s interests are so we can choose and wrap gifts for them to open on Christmas morning,” explains Jane.

“The presents are then collected by the child’s parent or carer, who is inevitably going through a difficult time. Being given new toys, books or games for their child or children lifts a massive load from their shoulders.”

Jane, who has a daughter and a grandchild, set up The Toy Project with her friend Angela Donovan in 2013.

“I was a primary school teacher for 20 years and worked with children who had everything – and children who had nothing. This didn’t seem fair to me or to Angela, who has three children.

“So, over a cup of tea in my kitchen, we decided to

Even Covid won’t stop our mission to help Santa!

start a charity that would collect unwanted toys and give them to children who were less fortunate than our kids, who had all the toys they needed and much, much more.”

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