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‘I Don’t Want Drama At Home!’

Coronation Street actress Jane Danson tells us why she prefers the quiet life when away from work


The moving story of Leanne Battersby’s search for solace from psychics following the death of her toddler son has touched the hearts of millions of Coronation­Street viewers.

While the character’s friends and family worry about her state of mind, actress Jane Danson says she completely understand­s her motivation, having been in that situation.

“The way we’ve dealt with the subject is ambiguous. We’re not saying it’s a load of nonsense, but we’re not saying it can happen. I think we’ve got to be careful to find that fine line, so when we did these scenes I was very conscious that we didn’t make fun of the subject, since a lot of people do find it helps and I don’t mind saying I’m one of those people.

“I do believe in it, so for me this storyline has been quite relatable in the way she’s behaving and the way she’s feeling.”

Jane has visited a psychic on several occasions since her dad Jack passed away in 2008. She says, “It’s a personal thing, but I do find it comforting.

“Leanne can’t let go of Oliver. She’s been finding feathers and she thinks it’s a sign from Oliver.

“I remember the most poignant thing for me was at my dad’s funeral. He liked a song from an old TV show and we played it at his funeral. Two days later I saw the programme was on. There were hundreds of episodes and I put it on for comfort, and by chance it was the very episode with the song in it. It was weird. It might have just been a huge coincidenc­e, but out of all the episodes to watch, it was the one with the song we played at his funeral.

“Whether there’s something in it or not, if you find it reassuring, then it’s not doing anybody any harm.

“My feeling is that it’s no stranger than being born in the first place! So I’m very open to that kind of thing – as is my character, Leanne.”

On screen Leanne is about to face more drama as she realises that she’s taken her eye off the ball with her teenage son Simon.

“Unable to work because of her grief, money is in short supply and Simon has got caught up with a drugs gang while trying to earn cash to keep them afloat.

Jane, 42, who lives in Cheshire with her husband, actor Robert Beck, understand­s only too well what it’s like to raise teenage boys, being a mum herself to Harry, 14, and

Sam, 11.

“It feels like they grow up overnight,” she says. “Harry’s not a child any more, he’s a man

– he’s bigger than


“When they’re little you know exactly where they are, when they’re eating and what they’re eating.

“As they get older they want their independen­ce and they want to be out with their friends.

You have to remember how you felt at that age.”


Jane of course was already an establishe­d child actor by then. Her first job was aged 11 in the TV drama GBH, alongside Julie Walters, Michael Palin and Robert Lindsay. Other TV work followed, including Children’s Ward and TheGrand and by the time she was cast as Leanne Battersby at the age of 18 she was a veteran! “I was the age of my youngest son when I first appeared on TV, which is scary!” she smiles. In the 23 years since Jane first set foot on the cobbles she has featured in a host of dramatic storylines, but her life and Leanne’s are very different. “I sometimes think it must be exhausting to be Leanne!” she laughs. “It’s just constant drama. If in doubt Leanne runs away – she’s never had much stability – whereas I’m completely organised. “My life is so boring in comparison, which I definitely prefer. I don’t want the drama, I prefer to sit and watch it on the telly!”

 ??  ?? An early role in Children’s Ward
In period drama TheGrand
A young Leanne with the rest of the Battersby clan
An early role in Children’s Ward In period drama TheGrand A young Leanne with the rest of the Battersby clan
 ??  ?? With husband Robert
For more informatio­n: WWW.ITV.COM/CORONATION STREET and on Twitter: @itvcorrie
With husband Robert For more informatio­n: WWW.ITV.COM/CORONATION STREET and on Twitter: @itvcorrie

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