My Weekly

How I See It...

- Anthea Turn er


It’s a sign, I’ve started to be attracted to yellow and

I’m seeing it everywhere…

This has been encouraged by taking a few photograph­s which you will see in our forthcomin­g My Weekly Special. They even feature a pair of yellow clogs – don’t ask! – but it feels a long time since the Christmas decoration­s came down.

If you live in a city or built-up area like I do you’re surrounded by dull, grey, muted colours which, together with our lockdown situation, are not good for our wellbeing. So how can we improve that? By bringing a little colour into our lives and place things in our eyeline that lift us. As you know, I have at all times a bunch of daffodils on my desk which is the best £1 I spend all week. Bright colours release dopamine known as the feel-good hormone. It improves your mood and encourages happiness and optimism – which is just what we all need right now.

Remember the last time you took a walk and caught sight of a collection of crocuses, winter flowering pansies, or daffodils? Don’t tell me it didn’t lift you and make you smile!

On the other hand, if you want to relax, cool blues help. I once had a spare bedroom which I decked out in a beach theme – the room included calm blues, white and taupe. I can’t tell you the number of friends I had who, when stressed, wanted to book in for a day and a night to recharge their batteries.

Which brings me onto another subject… how are you sleeping?

If not well, take a look around your bedroom. It should be an oasis of calm, clean and uncluttere­d, conducive to a restful night’s sleep. For me it’s the most important room in the house because without sleep we become moody, don’t concentrat­e, our skin looks dull, and our immune system, which is vital at the moment, can’t efficientl­y operate. Can I share with you a crazy vision I hold in my head when anyone mentions immune system? I see these little cartoon soldiers which I have to keep smart, alert, with their guns loaded to fight off invaders! I told you it was crazy, but honestly it helps me – especially with food choices.

Finally, have you ever run out of milk, looked in the fridge, and seriously started to wonder what Creme Fraîche or Greek Yoghurt would actually taste like in coffee…? No…?


Anthea X

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