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How Can I Get Her To Wear Specs?


How do you convince someone, who really needs to, to wear their glasses? My elderly mum will not admit she has vision problems. She has glasses for reading and watching TV, but doesn’t think she needs them at other times. She can’t see prices when we’re shopping and doesn’t recognise faces because she can’t see them properly. I’ve asked her to wear her glasses a hundred times, but she says she’s fine. I don’t know what she does when I’m not there.

If she refuses to go to the optician, then you

could always play a game with her


yesight is such an important sense, and we rely on it for so much of daily life. But eyesight can fade a bit as we get older, and the eye lens gets stiffer – so we will all need some help in due course.

Sight does vary too – sometimes we notice difficulty in reading, and then we might notice there’s a difficulty in watching the TV or looking at the computer. Distance vision tends to be the last to go as a rule. I suspect that your lovely mum can see enough to get about but loses recognitio­n for closer objects like faces and prices on items.

It is very important for the elderly to get an annual eye test. I wonder when your mum last had one? If this was more than a year, then why not suggest that she gets another one – and go with her.

The experience will focus you both on the issue. The optician can then assess her close, middle and distance vision and will pick up any changes. If your mother refuses to go, then you could always play a game with her. You could suggest she identifies things at different distances with and without her glasses. This will show you where she is less able.

Then once she can experience the direct comparison, she may be more likely to go with you and accept some new glasses – and to actually wear them. Good luck.

 ?? ?? Only for TV!
Only for TV!

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