My Weekly

Anthea Turner

How I See It...



When out walking my dog Soho, I often pick a subject that’s on my mind and work out my way of tackling it if I was in charge of the country. This week after reading that the UK spends a whopping £269.5 billion on the NHS our nation’s health has my full attention.

The consistent message is that it’s not underfunde­d, it’s the structure, the way its run, our larger population, science keeping us alive longer, and increasing ill health due to lifestyle choices.

In my utopian world my first big change would be decentrali­sation, turning every GP’s practice into a mini hospital able to deal with all the basic needs.


Do you remember Cottage Hospitals? They emerged in the 1800s in rural areas to serve patients who couldn’t travel. Some had around 20 beds, they knew their patients well and became an integral part of the community. Some of these hospitals were incorporat­ed into the NHS in the 1960s as community hospitals, but most closed in favour of big district general hospitals, although in Scotland some are still providing vital care health.

In my doctor’s wellness centres, instead of handing out tablets the environmen­t would encourage patients to change any bad habits – vital since we are currently at 60% of all deaths being lifestyle related. People would get the best advice on diet, exercise and lifestyle choices, and most importantl­y, the continuity to help those who fall by the wayside. There might even be cookery classes for those who’ve forgotten the art of cooking from scratch.


“The National Sticking Plaster Service”, which is a nickname used by doctors, needs to be stripped down. 40% of the current costs are treating people whose conditions are avoidable. Some of them we’re not even aware of, but if we were we could fix them.

For example, we spend £4.4 billion a year on osteoporos­is fractures, but if we routinely checked people in their late 40s and 50s with a little more oomph and prominence, we could save the money – and stop the pain.

Are you with me, shall I get myself elected?

We are, of course, lucky in this magazine to have so much wonderful advice on health and wellbeing, so for starters, how about encouragin­g your friends to pick up a copy!

Love, Anthea X

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