National Geographic Traveller (UK)



Without a wetsuit or any apparatus, Kiki Bosch free-dives in the world’s coldest waters — a healing therapy she turned to after a sexual assault

How do you plan an adventure?

I find myself drawn to places that have a raw beauty, where you can be immersed in the pure force of nature — like Iceland. You can experience all the seasons in one day; it’s beautiful to observe. Silfra, in Thingvelli­r National Park, was the first place I ever dived in cold water. Here, you’re literally swimming between two of Earth’s tectonic plates. On one side, you can touch America, and then the other side, you’re touching a plate of Europe. It brings everything — especially the human body — into perspectiv­e.

How has adventure helped you to tackle personal trauma?

Adventure was a major factor in helping me to deal with my healing. Just by going on an adventure — no matter what it is — you’re challengin­g yourself. By challengin­g yourself, you’re connecting to something bigger than yourself, and it’s possible to reframe your own trauma. The main reason I do what I do is because the cold has been a healing journey. It helped me get through the lowest points in my life. It has shown me how to overcome trauma, depression and self-doubt, and come out the other end as a better person.

Any notable close encounters with wildlife?

There was one experience in Tromsø [northern Norway] while on expedition. We were about to turn around, as we were losing light, fast. But we got a call from a touring company that had come across a pod of killer whales, so we jumped straight in the water to observe them. Soon, tourist boats started to arrive and the pod swam deeper and deeper. Just as I was swimming away, I saw a massive humpback whale about to breach — it was just an arm’s length away. I was able to look into its eyes so closely. I had a spiritual moment that day. I felt so grateful these creatures had allowed us to be in their environmen­t for that time.

You practise and teach the Wim Hof Method of cold water immersion. What’s at its core?

There’s a community of people getting together for weekly dips — and it’s taking place all over the world. People are bonding with the forces of nature, such as the cold. To me, it’s the pinnacle of mindfulnes­s. You have to get out of your mind and be fully present within your body and within your breath. That’s the beauty of this work — it’s uniting people and helping them to stand together to face their personal challenges. I love to teach the way in which you can shift and change both your nervous system and your perception of life through cold water immersion.

Have you ever had any scary moments?

When we were shooting a short film in Norway, I passed out while diving. When I emerged, I couldn’t warm up; I felt like my heart just couldn’t take it anymore. Eventually, returning to the water, I had to allow that bond of trust with the ocean to come back to me. That near-death experience was a life-changing moment for me.

What do you think is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

It’s esoteric, but relevant: get back to yourself and back to your breathing. And always be grateful.

Do you have any advice for someone wanting to get into ice water free-diving?

Challenge yourself one step at a time. Have a cold shower for five seconds, then make it 10 seconds and gradually build up to a minute. By challengin­g yourself that little bit every day and stepping out of your comfort zone, you’re able to regulate yourself in extreme environmen­ts. INTERVIEW: NORA WALLAYA

Kiki Bosch is the subject of the documentar­y Descent, directed by Nays Baghai, which won the 2020 Documentar­y Australia Foundation Award for Best Australian Documentar­y at the Sydney Film Festival. descentpro­


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