National Geographic Traveller (UK)

Editor’s letter

- PAT RIDDELL, EDITOR @patriddell @patriddell

If there’s one thing that lockdown has deprived us of above all else, it’s adventure. And I don’t mean scaling sheer rock faces or trekking across deserts, just the literal dictionary definition: an unusual or exciting experience. Life since the coronaviru­s outbreak has been both hard and humdrum, but with more travel corridors set to open and vaccinatio­n programmes continuing apace, at least we can start planning in earnest.

Research from Mintel in May found that almost one in five UK travellers is currently gearing up for ‘a trip of a lifetime’ when the pandemic abates — nearly double the number who were making such plans in 2019.

Quite what those trips will be we don’t know, but our cover story this issue (p.70) will hopefully o‰er you some inspiratio­n for your own post-Covid getaways. We asked our writers for their favourite adventures and, having whittled down the suggestion­s, we’ve curated a spectacula­r list that spans the Earth’s four corners.

Whether it’s seeking out Colombia’s Lost City, bush camping in Queensland or cycling along the banks of the Mekong River, these are 21 trips for your wish list — and most require nothing more than a pair of sturdy boots and, yes, the desire for a truly unusual or exciting experience.

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