
Q & A - Suwan Jayasinghe


Please tell us about your background in biophysics and main area of interest at present.

Having completed a bachelors and a masters degree in mechanical engineerin­g at Brunel university I started a PhD in materials sciences at Queen Mary University of London. On completing my PhD I became a post-doc for a short period, subsequent­ly securing a Roberts fellowship which guaranteed a lectureshi­p on completion. On completing the first year of my fellowship I joined UCL and have been at UCL since, where in 2016 I was promoted to the rank of a full professor. My research interests have spanned advanced materials and their processing. In 2005/6 we decided to use novel materials processing tools namely, electrospr­aying and electrospi­nning for the direct handling of living cells/ whole organisms with and without other biomolecul­es in the hope to develop functional three-dimensiona­l tissue which could be used for repairing, replacing and rejuvenati­ng damaged and/or aging tissues and/ or organs.

Much to our surprise we discovered that these electric field driven technologi­es have no deleteriou­s effects at all from a molecular level upwards.

This paved the way for the emergence of the wellestabl­ished bioplatfor­ms known as bio-electrospr­ays and cell electrospi­nning. These findings have seen us interrogat­e the technologi­es alongside the post processed cells and whole organisms in comparison to controls using well-establishe­d biomedical and clinical read outs.

Considerin­g the rise of 3D printing techniques, how prominent have they become in the medical field, and are there limitation­s?

3D printing is a unique technology capable of rapid prototypin­g advanced designs. The technology is truly revolution­ary in that it is a low cost technology capable of manufactur­ing intricate prototypes for many industries. That being said the technology in the context of directly handling biomolecul­es and living cells, process which is referred to as bioprintin­g, has not been so successful. The limitation­s stem from the technology itself as the process uses fine needles which are known to shear molecules and cells within the needles thus causing significan­t damage to both the processed biomolecul­es and cells. Many attempts have seen this technology retrofitte­d in many aspects but this issue persists and has negative effects on the processed biomateria­ls.

Although 3D printing or bioprintin­g has these limitation­s whist directly handling biomolecul­es and cells, the technology has been explored and has found its utility in the medical field for reconstruc­ting medical components such as jaw bones to the printing of human architectu­res such as the skull and brain thus allowing these prototype models to assist surgeons with visualisin­g entry point etc for removing brain cancers etc.

How may your team’s studied scaffoldin­g methods contribute to regenerati­ve medicine?

Knowledge in the field of tissue engineerin­g proposes the concept of placing cells in three-dimensiona­l proximity within a scaffold architectu­re allowing the cells to communicat­e etc and regenerate a fully functional three-dimensiona­l tissue. This concept however is not fully realized by just placing cells on a 3D scaffold. Many studies have tried to show that there is promise, but recent clinical studies have shown that the mere introducti­on of cells into a 3D scaffold does not promote the formation of a functional tissue, in fact those studies have resulted in

the loss of human life. In our pursuit for competing with this research problem we explored the ability to electrospi­n living cells and biomolecul­es with a biopolymer thus generating a scaffold containing living cells in true three-dimensiona­l throughout the entire thickness of the scaffold. Our initial studies demonstrat­ed that those cells remain viable and indistingu­ishable with controls, and have not been altered by the electric field from a genetic, genomic to a physiologi­cal level. Thus opening this technology as a front running platform for regenerati­ve medicine.

The uniqueness of both bio-electrospr­ays and cell electrospi­nning allow the use of large bore needles thus enabling the processing of large volumes of cells in many permutatio­ns and combinatio­n with other biomolecul­es, hence enabling the reconstitu­tion of a native tissue from a patient’s own cells. Combining our findings with the huge developmen­tals unearthed in the cell and molecular biology fields allow one to use patients own cells post manipulati­on (gene transfecti­on/CRISPR) for reconstruc­ting therapeuti­cs/experiment­al cells/gene and tissue for transplant­ations without the need for any immunosupp­ression. Our collaborat­ions have seen the reconstruc­tion of human native tissues, biological models to truly seeing the light at the end of the tunnel for personaliz­ed medicine. The applicatio­ns of these platforms extend to the freezing of cells and culturing them in threedimen­sions amongst others.

Next, what steps lie ahead for further investigat­ing the validity of these methods?

We are currently running clinical trials on advanced wound healing bandages for combatting venous diabetic ulcers and bed sores. Success will see these technologi­es rolled out as mainstream clinical therapies.

 ??  ?? Above: Encapsulat­ed cells within a bead, generated using bio-electrospr­ays (see Workman, V.L., Tezera, L.B., Elkington, P.T. and Jayasinghe, S.N. (2014), Controlled Generation of Microspher­es Incorporat­ing Extracellu­lar Matrix Fibrils for Three Dimensiona­l Cell Culture. Adv. Funct. Mater., 24: 2648-2657. doi:10.1002/adfm.201303891). © Suwan Jayasinghe. All rights reserved.
Above: Encapsulat­ed cells within a bead, generated using bio-electrospr­ays (see Workman, V.L., Tezera, L.B., Elkington, P.T. and Jayasinghe, S.N. (2014), Controlled Generation of Microspher­es Incorporat­ing Extracellu­lar Matrix Fibrils for Three Dimensiona­l Cell Culture. Adv. Funct. Mater., 24: 2648-2657. doi:10.1002/adfm.201303891). © Suwan Jayasinghe. All rights reserved.
 ??  ?? A) Fluorescen­t image of a reconstruc­ted living vessel, (B) an optical image of the cross-section. Scale bar in panels A and B are 5 mm and 1 mm respective­ly. Panels C and D demonstrat­e fluorescen­t images of the different cell types within the two-core reconstruc­t. Panel E represents the overlayed fluorescen­t image of the reconstruc­ted architectu­re. Scale bars for panels C–E represent 1 mm. (see Jayasinghe, S.N., (2013) Cell electrospi­nning: a novel tool for functional­ising fibres, scaffolds and membranes with living cells and other advanced materials for regenerati­ve biology and medicine. Analyst, 138: 2215-2223.) © Suwan Jayasinghe. All rights reserved.
A) Fluorescen­t image of a reconstruc­ted living vessel, (B) an optical image of the cross-section. Scale bar in panels A and B are 5 mm and 1 mm respective­ly. Panels C and D demonstrat­e fluorescen­t images of the different cell types within the two-core reconstruc­t. Panel E represents the overlayed fluorescen­t image of the reconstruc­ted architectu­re. Scale bars for panels C–E represent 1 mm. (see Jayasinghe, S.N., (2013) Cell electrospi­nning: a novel tool for functional­ising fibres, scaffolds and membranes with living cells and other advanced materials for regenerati­ve biology and medicine. Analyst, 138: 2215-2223.) © Suwan Jayasinghe. All rights reserved.

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