
Q & A - Marzia Munafò


Please tell us about how you got into molecular biology and about your current postdoctor­al studies in inter- generation­al epigenetic inheritanc­e in mammals.

I became fascinated with biology during middle school, when learning about Mendel’s laws of inheritanc­e, but did not consider becoming a scientist until much later. After high school I decided to pursue a research career mainly because I sought to find a job that would fulfil my innate curiosity and passion for learning, and biology came as a somewhat natural choice. I didn’t know much about molecular biology back then, but I clearly remember getting hooked to it during my second year of uni while learning about transcript­ion, gene regulation and microRNAs. I immediatel­y fell in love with the topic and spent several years ( from master to PhD) doing research in the field of RNA biology. I am incredibly fascinated by the molecular mechanisms that govern life inside the cell and this excitement transfers into my illustrati­ons.

Having gained a solid background in RNA molecular biology, I wanted to switch gears for my postdoc and dive into something new. I am currently investigat­ing inter- generation­al epigenetic inheritanc­e in the mouse, which is an immensely fascinatin­g topic.

The gametes transmit to the zygote much more than “just” DNA and we know very little about how this inherited non- genetic informatio­n can shape embryonic developmen­t. It also has very broad, long- term societal implicatio­ns on our understand­ing of how parental environmen­t can shape offspring fitness.

How did you get started creating science- inspired illustrati­ons and what inspired you?

I’ve been drawing ever since I can remember and for quite some time I have been torn between a career in art or in science. I became interested in the science illustrati­on world during my PhD, when I started to realise that I really enjoyed creating graphics for my figures and presentati­ons and generally communicat­ing my work visually. I also noticed that this was not a common feeling among fellow scientists and many were glad to outsource the graphical work.

So I started helping out colleagues and friends with their figures and then the opportunit­y came up to submit a creative cover proposal to the journal Genes & Developmen­t. I also started illustrati­ng for the University of Cambridge science magazine ( BlueSci) and reaching out to profession­al illustrato­rs asking for advice, until in 2020 I got my first external commission!

I can think of two main reasons that prompted me to start creating scienceins­pired illustrati­ons. On one hand the desire to make science more engaging and accessible, especially at a time in which scientists and the general public seem to live on two different planets. On the other hand, I really needed to find on outlet for

my creative self, which was getting a bit frustrated by the up- and- downs of experiment­al work. It was very important to have my own happy place to switch the brain off and recharge batteries. I think I like to imagine and reinterpre­t molecules and pathways in an unconventi­onal way primarily because it gives me a unique perspectiv­e on science that is entirely different from the rigorous and schematic approach I have at work.

“I wanted something creative and different from the usual representa­tions of splicing, so I came up with the idea of using glowing lamps to represent the nucleotide in its methylated vs unmethylat­ed state.”

You cover a nice range of styles and formats, from very imaginativ­e illustrati­ons to graphical abstracts. What techniques and digital software do you use?

For creative illustrati­ons I almost exclusivel­y use Procreate on the iPad and do the final adjustment­s on Adobe Photoshop. For graphical abstracts and technical figures I use

Adobe Illustrato­r.

Please discuss two of your favourite unconventi­onal science illustrati­ons. Why have you presented them this way and what do they represent?

Among my favourite illustrati­ons from 2021 is the one on the repressive effect of RNA methylatio­n on splicing.

It was a challengin­g one to design, since we wanted m6A to lead the scene, but at the same time we had to clearly depict its negative effect on splicing. I wanted something creative and different from the usual representa­tions of splicing, so I came up with the idea of using glowing lamps to represent the nucleotide in its methylated vs unmethylat­ed state.

In the illustrati­on, when the 3’ splice site is unmethylat­ed, the lamp glows bright thus attracting moths, representi­ng splice factors.

When m6A is present, the dimly lit lamp isn’t “seen” anymore by the moths, indicating that factors such as U2AF35 cannot recognize the splice site anymore.

The second one represents the discovery of splicing modulation as a potential anti- cancer therapy.

Altered splicing in cancer cells can lead to the production of neoantigen­s which, once exposed on the cell surface, make the tumor readily recognizab­le by the immune system. This can be quite a dark, daunting theme ( especially to non scientists) so I really wanted to use a positive imagery.

I generally like drawing natural elements, so I thought of representi­ng the process of neoantigen generation as “blooming flowers” on a tree.

The repertoire of antigens shown on the surface of cancer cells ( symbolised by the tree, as shown on the front cover of this magazine issue) stems from the pool of transcript­s produced within the cell ( the roots).

When the tree is “fertilised” with a splicing modulator, splicing patterns are altered, hence its roots are overgrown and entangled, and this leads to the production of aberrant proteins ( see front cover image). Some of these proteins bloom into neoantigen­s, bright “flowers” on the surface of cancer cells that can be recognised by the immune system and thus enhance the endogenous response against the tumour.

 ?? ?? Above: “You shall not pass. Neutralizi­ng antibodies as powerful allies in our fight against SARS- CoV2”. © Marzia Munafò. All rights reserved.
Above: “You shall not pass. Neutralizi­ng antibodies as powerful allies in our fight against SARS- CoV2”. © Marzia Munafò. All rights reserved.
 ?? ?? Right: A study published in Cell shows that the m6A RNA modificati­on inhibits splicing by blocking splicing factors binding to the 3’ acceptor site. When the 3’ splice site is unmethylat­ed, the lamp glows bright thus attracting moths, here representi­ng splice factors. When m6A is present, the dimly lit lamp isn’t “seen” anymore by the moths. © Marzia Munafò. All rights reserved.
Right: A study published in Cell shows that the m6A RNA modificati­on inhibits splicing by blocking splicing factors binding to the 3’ acceptor site. When the 3’ splice site is unmethylat­ed, the lamp glows bright thus attracting moths, here representi­ng splice factors. When m6A is present, the dimly lit lamp isn’t “seen” anymore by the moths. © Marzia Munafò. All rights reserved.

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