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Comedian Ed Gamble reveals his passion for heavy metal and comic books


The last TV show I binged on was The Boys on Amazon Prime Video, which is based on a comic book. They’re superheroe­s, but they’re awful human beings behind closed doors. It’s very funny and dark.

The funniest people on TV are everyone I did Taskmaster with. Alex Horne and Greg Davies especially, but they were all absolutely hilarious!

I’d love to duet with Corey Taylor from Slipknot. I like heavy metal and I’ve been listening to their new album quite a lot. I imagine I would be quite petrified attempting to get my bits in.

The last album I downloaded was by a heavy metal band called Tool. For years they didn’t have their stuff on any streaming service and they’ve now dumped everything they’ve ever done on there. I’ve been listening to their stuff over and over again.

A show I never miss is Taskmaster, although I don’t really like watching myself on TV!

The best film ever made is Back To The Future. But I also like Man On The Moon and The Favourite.

The app I use most on my phone is Citymapper, because I have a terrible sense of direction. I’ve lived in London my whole life and still need to check how to make very basic journeys.

My karaoke classic is Paranoid by Black Sabbath. I used to do that at uni a lot. The people in the pub were quite rightly annoyed I butchered it on a regular basis.

My bookshelf is full of comic books. But the most recent actual book I read was called The Circle by Dave Eggers. It’s about social media taking over the world.

My favourite website is Youtube. You get lost in a spiral of videos and it throws up more and more that are of interest. It’s sort of terrifying that a computer can know you in the space of 10 minutes.

Ed’s Stand Up Special is available on Amazon Prime Video and he’ll tour from 2 October. See

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