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Holly Willoughby

Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby look back on a decade of fun, frolics and faux pas on This Morning


Fish and chips. Knives and forks. Salt and pepper… Holly and Phil. Some things just go together perfectly. Last week Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield celebrated 10 years on This Morning and it’s clear their friendship is stronger than ever. Off-screen the pair holiday together, enjoy the odd tequila (or three) together and even co-host another flagship ITV show, Dancing On Ice. But do they ever get fed up of each other? Well, apparently not! In fact, the self-proclaimed BFFS can’t wait for the next decade of live TV madness.

We caught up with the duo to discuss their favourite moments from over the years, including the best celeb guests, Holly’s first day and those infamous post-ntas hangovers…

Hi guys! Can you believe you’ve just celebrated working together for a decade?! Phillip: They always say time flies if you’re having fun and we have such a ball the time has whizzed by. Holly: It doesn’t feel like 10 years. The best mark I’ve got of that time is that it’s the same age as my son Harry. So, as I’ve watched him grow, I know how long I’ve been on This Morning.

It’s a visual reminder! What do you remember of your first day together?

H: Just being so nervous and holding on to Phil for dear life – I was so scared. I’d watched This Morning as a fan for many years before doing it, so I didn’t want to be the one to mess it up and let everyone down. But luckily, 10 years later, I’m still there.

P: I was nervous for Holly, but the minute she started it was obvious we were going to have a ball.

Your on-screen faux pas have become legendary…

P: There have been so many! Because it’s such a relaxed studio you can forget you’re on the telly, which makes you both laugh. What’s lovely is that we’ve got the same sense of humour, so we’re always happy to laugh at each other’s mistakes!

They say never work with animals or babies. What are your experience­s in that respect? P: They can be incredibly well-behaved until about three seconds before the camera cuts to them. We’ve had babies crying all the way through so you can’t actually hear what anyone is saying. We’ve had babies dragging people’s microphone­s off them. As far as animals are concerned, the stories are legendary. Practicall­y every animal that walks into the studio poos on the floor!

H: One time a snake curled itself around my leg. That was terrifying. Baby wise,

I’m like, “I’ll take the baby,” then Phil takes over the interview while

I’m babysittin­g!

What’s been your all-time favourite moment?

P: Oh wow, that really is very difficult. I think probably the morning after the NTAS. There’s nothing we’ve done since, and nothing in my entire career prior to that, where either of us have been in that state live on TV.

Holly was still wearing the same dress and she had piccalilli stains all down it. She looks constantly beautiful, so when she was looking dishevelle­d, in a beautiful frock and covered in piccalilli, that was probably one of my most favourite moments.

Who’s been your most memorable guest?

H: One of our all-time favourite guests was Samuel L Jackson. I also love Bill Nighy. He’s been on quite a few times. He

has the best stories. He’s funny.

He’s so cool and laid-back.

If you could interview anyone, dead or alive, who would it be? P: I’d love to get Dame Judi Dench on the sofa – I’m her biggest fan. When I was doing the Broom Cupboard back on Children’s BBC, she sent me a signed picture because she apparently watched it quite a bit. We see each other at dos. She’s always so lovely but she doesn’t like doing live TV interviews, which I understand.

H: I would say Marilyn Monroe because along with the rest of the world, I have a fascinatio­n with her.

You’re self-proclaimed besties. What do you look for in a BFF? H: Somebody you can talk to who listens, somebody who gives great advice, somebody who’s loyal, somebody who makes you laugh and who you can be there for in return.

P: Holly is someone I trust entirely and she trusts me, not just on the telly but in our lives. I don’t think there’s anything that we don’t know about each other. She’s like the sister I never had.

What do you wish for in your next decade on This Morning?

P: I’d be quite happy as long as I’m in good health and Holly is too!

H: I hope it continues to be in people’s front rooms for the next 10 years. I hope it continues to grow. I feel that’s a real strength of the show. It’s always adapting and changing, so I think as long as it continues to do that, and knows when it’s serious and when it’s not taking itself too seriously, there’s no reason why it can’t be around for another 10 years, or another 20.

This Morning is on weekdays at 10.30am on ITV

 ??  ?? Phil and Holly were the worse for wear the morning after the 2016 NTAS
Phil and Holly were the worse for wear the morning after the 2016 NTAS
 ??  ?? The pair having
a giggle with Gino D’acampo
The pair having a giggle with Gino D’acampo

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