New! (UK)

Tommy Fury


Are you body confident?

I’m not a gym girl, but I am confident. Maybe it’s my age. I don’t work out because I don’t enjoy it. I’m not going to do something I don’t enjoy.

What’s your advice for feeling confident?

You need to love yourself. If you don’t, no one else will.

What are your views on cosmetic surgery?

There was an article saying I’ve had a lot of it, which is untrue. I think if somebody wants it then they should go for it. I’ve never had surgery. I’ve had my lips done, but I’ve never had Botox. I wouldn’t say no, but I’m happy in my own body and myself, so it’s not something I’d like done.

Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?

I take each day as it comes. I lost my close friend two years ago and since then I don’t plan ahead.

Why do you think people have warmed to you so much?

I ask myself this a lot! [laughs] Maybe it’s the Irish charm.

Is it true some of the girls from the show have fallen out?

Not that I know of. Everyone’s still in contact. We had Molly-mae’s Pretty Little Thing event recently and a lot of the girls were there. Everyone’s very close.

Will you stay in contact with everyone from the show?

You have your closest friends and you’re always going to make time for them. If any of the Islanders are at an event,

I feel like we’ll always get along. We’re like a big family.

What did you learn about yourself on Love Island?

I’m very competitiv­e! I didn’t realise until I went into the villa.

 ??  ?? The couple at Tommy’s Boohoo launch
The couple at Tommy’s Boohoo launch

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