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APRIL 2018

When Jacqueline was heavily pregnant with Mia, Dan was pictured cosying up to Gabby Allen on a yacht in Marbella. Dan, who temporaril­y moved out of the family home, denied he’d been unfaithful, saying the claims were “ridiculous and untrue”, and admitted the speculatio­n was “causing stress” to his wife. Gabby also denied the fling, insisting, “I’m NEVER going to sleep with a married man.” The couple’s two-year marriage has been rocked more than once by cheating allegation­s…

MARCH 2019

Dan was accused of snogging Love Island ’s Alexandra Cane during a night out in Manchester while Jac was in New York with Ella. At the time, he branded the allegation­s “a load of rubbish”, insisting he “did not kiss absolutely anyone”. Days prior to the scandal, he admitted to new,

“I don’t think anyone’s relationsh­ip is perfect all of the time.”

April 2019

Dan found himself in hot water again when he was pictured looking close to pretty PR girl Steph Ledigo during a work trip in Los Angeles. Steph denied anything romantic happened between them, adding, “He’s like a brother. I just don’t feel like that at all.”

A rep for Dan also denied anything inappropri­ate had taken place.

November 2019

Jacqueline reportedly threatened to quit I’m A Celeb after campmate Myles Stephenson opened old wounds by telling her he believed Dan had been unfaithful with his ex, Gabby. Jac then raised eyebrows by removing her wedding ring, but a source insisted to new their marriage wasn’t in trouble. “Dan and Jac were in such a good place before she went out there,” the insider told us.

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