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He’s back on the dancefloor with new partner Janette Manrara, but Heart DJ Mark Wright, 32, confesses that wife Michelle Keegan won’t be in the audience for his Strictly homecoming…

Hi Mark! What made you decide to return to Strictly

this year?

How could I turn it down? What an experience it was! It was five years ago and I’ve thought about it ever since. That feeling of sheer nerves and the adrenaline rush stepping out there on the dancefloor. I always watch it and reminisce about that euphoric feeling, so to be able to do it again is phenomenal.

What’s your dancing like these days?

It’s gone backwards a little bit, I won’t lie. I’m a bit older and the joints have stiffened up. I won’t be horrendous, but I’m never going to be that good. I’m not the best dancer as it is.

What are you most nervous about ahead of returning to the ballroom?

I’m nervous I’ll make myself look silly or that I’m not going to dance well. I’ve got the salsa and you’ve got to have a bit of rhythm for that.

Have you kept in touch with many of your old Strictly pals?

I speak to Jake Wood every now and again and Thom Evans a lot. I knew Caroline Flack already and Karen [Hauer], my [original] partner, obviously, and Aljaž – so quite a few of them!

What’s it like to train with a different partner?

It’s fun, it’s interestin­g! It was great having Karen, I would have loved to have her again, but she’s still in the competitio­n so to have Janette is unbelievab­le. I remember when it first started, Janette was so kind to all the celebs on the first day and she was dancing with Jake Wood that year. If I couldn’t have Karen, that’s who I’d want.

Who will you be bringing to the show to cheer you on?

Probably my mum and my sister. My wife is working, so she won’t be there. My family were there all the time the first time around.

What will you be doing on Christmas Day?

I’ll be opening presents with my wife, then round to the family for dinner and more presents, then we’ll all be sitting down to watch Strictly.

Name your dream Strictly-themed Christmas dinner guests…

Craig Revel Horwood because I want him to give me good scores on Christmas Day. Karen, because she was my partner and a friend and I hear she’s a good cook! Janette, of course, as my Christmas Strictly partner.

The Strictly Come Dancing Christmas Special is on BBC1 on Christmas Day

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