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Courtney Green

Courtney Green The TOWIE star, 23, reveals her love of football and admits she’s scared of the dark


MY HIDDEN TALENT is that I’m a black belt in kickboxing. I was really sporty when I was younger, but I broke my arm in a kickboxing competitio­n when I was 12, so I stopped doing it as much. Sometimes I kickbox at the gym with my trainer, but I don’t do it competitiv­ely now.

MY MOST TREASURED POSSESSION is my phone. How sad is that?!

I FEEL AT MY MOST VULNERABLE when I have an argument with a friend. I hate that.

I’M A SPIRITUAL PERSON and I often go to see clairvoyan­ts and do tarot readings. When the clock turns to 11.11, I always make a wish.


I BELIEVE IN GHOSTS and I often have haunted nightmares. That’s why I’ve got to have my boyfriend [Callum Bushby] stay round – he protects me. I have to sleep with the hall light on, too. I can’t sleep in a dark room. I’m literally petrified of the dark.

TO CHILL OUT I like to sit with my friends and watch Netflix, with loads of pickled onion Monster Munch. That’s my chill time!

I WOULD DESCRIBE MYSELF as funny. I don’t take myself too seriously. I’m also a very loyal person.

THE BIGGEST MISCONCEPT­ION ABOUT ME is that I like drama. I actually hate being involved in drama. People think I revel in it, but it’s the complete opposite. I just get dragged into drama. I’m so laid-back. Someone will shout in my face and I’ll be like, “Oh.” I need a backbone. When people see me as weak it’s easier to have a go at me. But if I argue back, they’ll stop.

IF THE WORLD WERE TO END TOMORROW I would go to Selfridges and buy everything I could. No, I would steal everything I could, because obviously the world is going to end tomorrow so it wouldn’t matter – I wouldn’t get arrested!

I WOULD TELL MY 16-YEAR-OLD SELF not to take things to heart and that your friends mean the world. Everything will work out OK.

IN A CRISIS I WOULD CALL my dad. I always call my dad for everything. If I’ve broken down on the motorway, I call him first, not the AA.

I WOULD LIKE TO BE REMEMBERED as a cheeky, loyal, loving person.

A WIN-WIN SITUATION for me is working with on its partnershi­p with UEFA, because I absolutely love football. I used to play for my school’s girls’ team. I’m also a season ticket holder at Spurs. I go to matches with my dad.

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? She’s a Spurs fan
She’s a Spurs fan
 ??  ?? Her friends mean the world to her
Her friends mean the world to her
 ??  ?? Courtney’s a kickboxing black belt
Courtney’s a kickboxing black belt
 ??  ?? Boyfriend Callum is her protector
Boyfriend Callum is her protector

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