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Hunky police officer Mike Boateng says he’s not afraid to step on some toes


Hello, officer! Pro footballer turned policeman Mike Boateng from London certainly caught our eye when his picture landed on our desk at new HQ.

The 24-year-old, who admits he has a “wandering eye”, is sure to cause a stir with the ladies in the Love Island villa this year.

Putting his previous bad behaviour aside, Mike – whose celebrity crushes are Beyoncé and Rihanna – reckons he’s finally ready for a serious relationsh­ip.

Here, he reveals his best chat-up line, his famous connection­s and why it’s finally time to settle down…

Hi Mike! What makes you the perfect Love Islander?

My charm and my character. I’m a very personable person so I’m easy to approach and I’m hoping that’ll make it easy for me to speak to a girl and connect with her.

Describe yourself in three words…

Confident, charming and charismati­c.

How would you rate your looks out of 10 and what’s your best feature?

I’m a solid eight and I have piercing eyes that look into your soul.

What’s your worst habit?

Playing with my beard. My mum hates it, but I can’t stop doing it. Especially when I’m thinking.

We’ll look out for that on telly then. Describe your ideal woman…

Ambitious, a lot of personalit­y and, of course, beautiful.

How do you tend to meet dates?

I like to take action if I see someone who I like. I’m not afraid to approach them and say, “Hey.”

What’s been your most disastrous dating experience?

A date arrived and she didn’t look like her pictures. She worked in an old people’s home and someone had thrown up on her shoulder at work, so she had that sick smell on her. I gave her a chance… and then left after three minutes.

What a gent! What’s the best or worst chat-up line you’ve ever used?

I’m lucky because of my job as a police officer I can use the cheeky line about getting handcuffs out! It normally works.

How far are you prepared to go in the villa to get the girl you want?

I’m going into the villa to find love. If that means stepping on a few toes, burning a few bridges and finding the love of my life, I’m willing to do it.

Will you be loyal or do you have a wandering eye?

I can have a bit of a wandering eye, but I’m not going to wander for the sake of it. I’ve always had pretty long-term relationsh­ips.

What’s your party trick?

I do great voice impression­s of people like Barack Obama and Drake.

What’s your claim to fame?

I know a few footballer­s from my football days. Dominic Calvertlew­in played with me at Sheffield United. My brother, Samuel, was on The Apprentice

a few years ago.

Did you make any new year’s resolution­s?

To find a serious relationsh­ip. My mum will be watching this show with the intention of me finding someone and moving out.


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