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Love Island

Rochelle Humes’ sister Sophie Piper on her ideal man and dating pet hates


Fame runs in the family for new Islander Sophie Piper. Her big sister is former Saturdays singer Rochelle Humes, who has no doubt given the reality newbie some top advice about stepping into the limelight.

Medical PA Soph, 21, says she’ll find it hard to cope with less than eight hours’ sleep a night and admits the song that sums up her love life the best is Celine Dion’s All By Myself !

We hope all that will change for the Essex girl during her stint in the new villa. Here, she tells us she’s not into “cringey” guys and says when she falls, she falls hard…

Hi Sophie! What makes you the perfect Islander?

I’m very friendly. I’m looking to find someone, which is the main thing. I’m very open to the experience and I’m excited to get in the villa now.

Describe yourself in three words…

Kind, fun and energetic – when I get eight hours’ sleep!

How would you rate your looks out of 10 and what is your best feature?

I’d give myself a seven or an eight and I like my dimples.

What’s your worst habit?

Sleeping. If I could have a nap now I would. I literally would sleep anywhere!

What’s your ideal man like?

Someone who’s kind with something about them, who doesn’t take themselves too seriously. I like someone confident but not cocky.

Tall, tanned and light eyes.

Who’s your celebrity crush?

Anthony Joshua. Whenever I see him fight, I yell, “Come on, use your right hook!”

But I have no idea what I’m talking about!

Er, right! What’s been your most disastrous dating experience?

We went for dinner and had Camembert to start. The date went well and I gave him a peck goodbye when I left.

I got home and went to take my make-up off and realised I had a bit of cheese hanging down from the corner of my mouth. I don’t know how I didn’t feel it and he hadn’t said anything to me! When I asked him about it he said he didn’t want to embarrass me, but I’d rather have known. I’m hoping my dates are a bit less cheesy in the villa.

Here’s hoping! What’s the best or worst chat-up line anyone has said to you?

Someone commented on a picture of me once saying, “Too much sugar is bad for me.” I think he meant I was very sweet? It made no sense!

What’s an immediate turn-off for you in a guy?

When someone’s cringey. I love banter, but hate it when someone tries to be funny and they’re not.

How far are you prepared to go to get the guy you want?

I wouldn’t be sneaky about anything. I’d be open about it, try to do it in the right way.

Will you be loyal or do you have a wandering eye?

It takes me a while to like someone, but when I do like someone I really like them. So if I met someone and I was still like, “Oh he’s nice, but not 100 per cent,” you’d probably be able to see that. If someone did come in and I preferred him I’d have to make it clear. What’s your definition of girl code?

Being friends with someone and not going after their man. I would never do anything to my close friends. Obviously it’s different because in the villa you could know people for a handful of days and everyone expects you to do girl code. I think it’s about going about it the right way and being friendly.

 ??  ?? With big sis Rochelle
With big sis Rochelle

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