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Danielle Armstrong

Former TOWIE star Danielle Armstrong introduces her newborn daughter Orla, shares her dramatic birth story and reveals how her fiancé Tom Edney has been her rock


Just two weeks after giving birth to her darling daughter Orla Mae Edney, new mum Danielle Armstrong is still on cloud nine. When new calls her for our exclusive interview, the former TOWIE star is elated to have started a family with her constructi­on project manager fiancé Tom Edney, who listens in and helps her remember the crucial details of their first weeks as parents.

“Surprising­ly, I feel alright,” Danielle tells us. “A lot of people say after having a baby you can sometimes get the baby blues or get emotional, but I feel absolutely fine. I’m in my little bubble.” Aw.

The Essex girl had to be induced in hospital after going 10 days overdue, and went on to spend 72 hours in labour as her little one was in no rush to come out!

After the traumatic birth, Orla was rushed to an incubator, leaving Danielle, 32, alone and frightened. Thankfully an hour and a half later the baby girl, weighing 8lb 11oz, was reunited with her adoring mum, who tells us she’s “obsessed” with the tot, who was born on 26 May.

Danielle credits her partner of just under a year Tom, 32, for being so hands-on and for helping her out with the night-time feeds.

“Tom is amazing and he’s a complete natural,” she gushes. “He adores her and she’s his double.”

Tom chimes in, saying how great a mum Danielle is. “I always knew she would be,” he says. Pictured in their gorgeous new five-bedroom Essex home, where the family moved just one week after Orla was born, Dani has got dressed up for the first time since becoming a mum.

“I haven’t been glammed up in God knows how long,” she says. “So I’m excited!”

Here, Danielle reveals all about life with a newborn, confesses she’s developed a new-found respect for her single mum pal Ferne Mccann and spills the beans on her dreams and aspiration­s for her daughter…

Hi Danielle! Congratula­tions on the arrival of your daughter, Orla. How have you found your first week with her?

There’s no guide or manual to parenthood – you just wing it. It’s been us two and our baby. The first night she was crying and I thought, “There’s something wrong with her.” We went down to A&E and they were like, “She’s absolutely fine. That’s just a baby when they’re adjusting to real life.” We now know what her fake cries are – when she wants Daddy’s attention, because she’s such a daddy’s girl! Or her cries when she’s got a bit of gas and colic. She lifts her head up when you speak and she’s very knowing. When I walk in the room she knows my voice. Every day she changes and we find out something else new about her.

Tell us about the birth…

Well, it wasn’t great. I was 10 days overdue and they decided to induce me on the Sunday and I went into the hospital at 2pm. I didn’t realise there are three types of ways you can be induced. The first one was a hormone, which was a bit like a tampon and it’s supposed to bring on contractio­ns. And nothing was happening. Usually your partner can be with you, but due to the situation with coronaviru­s everything changed, so I was on a ward with other ladies. I didn’t have any contractio­ns, so they kept me in overnight. Then they tried a pessary gel and that did bring on stronger contractio­ns, but being on my own it was just horrible.

Did you feel supported?

The midwives were amazing, but it was hard as you needed to be in active labour for your partner to come in. I had a good 12 hours of the gel giving me small contractio­ns, which got me to four centimetre­s dilated. They said, “You’re on day 13 now, we need to get things going quicker for the baby.”

Then what happened?

I ended up going on the drip that brings on contractio­ns. The pain was horrendous, so I ended up having an epidural and so my whole birthing plan went out of the window – I wanted a nice peaceful water birth and did all my hypnobirth­ing. But Tom could come up at this point. I was in active labour from 2am until 4.30pm in the afternoon.

Wow! How long were you in hospital for in total?

It was 72 hours! It wasn’t great. I was pushing and pushing for two hours and then they went to get a vacuum or the forceps. I was like, “No, I’ve got to do this. I’ve come so far!” I was pushing and she finally came out. But then, as soon as she was born they put her on my chest and she didn’t cry and her body went pink and her face stayed purple. They took her away from me for an hour and a half to a paediatric unit, but Tom was with her. I’d gone through 72 hours of labour and she was on my chest for 30 seconds.

That must have been scary…

It was. It was when I saw Tom’s face, and he got quite emotional, that I knew something was wrong. That’s when I panicked and I was sick with worry. An hour and a half felt like seven hours. It was horrible. I was there on my own like, “This is awful.” But she was just a little bit in shock, because she’d been trying to get out for two hours. Then she came back and she was all healthy and I was discharged the next day.

How was it when you finally had Orla in your arms?

I was in shock and a bit numb. Because I’d had an epidural,

I was on a drip and I’d had gas and air. I don’t think I was properly with it for the first few hours.

But that night when it was just me and her it was a surreal moment. Pregnancy and giving birth is the most natural thing, but it’s so surreal that one minute they’re in your belly and the next there’s this little baby you’re now responsibl­e for. It’s the most amazing feeling. I’m so in love and we’re obsessed.

Does she look more like you or Tom?

Tom! A lot of our friends have said she looks half and half, but Ferne said, “She’s so Tom!” My mum said, “She looks like you as a baby.” But Tom’s mum sent me some photos of when Tom was a baby and she’s the spitting image.

She’s got Tom’s little turned-up nose, but her lips and the bottom part is me. She’s a little cutie.

Where did the name Orla Mae come from?

You know Ola

Jordan from

Strictly Come Dancing? Well, my mum loves Strictly and I just remember seeing this beautiful blonde dancer and when they said her name was Ola Jordan, I thought her name was Orla. I said, “That’s exactly the name I want to call my little girl.” This was seven years ago! The Mae part came from her being born in May. Orla-mae isn’t actually her name – her middle name is Mae. The funny thing is, the week before my labour Tom said, “Shall we just call her Orla?” Because Orla-mae is very Essex. Well, we’ve already had blankets sent with Orla-mae on. We’ve been laughing because Tom thought everyone would call her Orla-mae. But when she gets older, if she comes home and says, “Mum, I want to be called Orla-mae.” I’ll be like, “Yep!”… until she asks her dad!

Ha! Did you both agree on Orla?

Yeah, and we also liked Louella.

Maybe for the next one?

Yeah, maybe. Although, after the birth I said, “I’m never having another one!”

Have you been breastfeed­ing?

I did for the first few days, but

I’m not sure if it’s because of my implants, but it seemed she wasn’t getting enough and was so hungry all the time. And my nipples were bleeding in the shower. I always wanted to try it, but you can’t put too much pressure on mums. I tried it and if she wasn’t such a hungry girl I might have got away with it, but it became quite stressful. I’ve put her on formula and she’s been feeling full. Breastfeed­ing is so reliant on the mum, so Tom’s been able to have that bonding time with her, too. It’s nice he can get up of a night and do that.

You said she’s a daddy’s girl. Why is that?

She settles quicker with him. She loves to be on his chest – that’s her favourite place. Seeing a little girl with their dad is so cute.

Have you had many sleepless nights so far?

She’s not too bad and she wakes up for her feed. She has her bottle about 9pm and is off to sleep about 9.30pm and by 12.30/1ish she’s up and we take it in turns to feed her. I used to sleep eight hours straight and would still be tired the next day, but when you have a baby you’re grateful for four to five hours.

Tom sounds quite hands-on…

Very hands-on. I’m so lucky. I don’t know how single mums do it – all credit to them. My mum is amazing, but you still need that extra help of a night. He’s been amazing!

What kind of parents do you think you’ll be?

I’ll be stricter. Right now she’s a little innocent baby, but when she’s 16 she’ll be wanting to go out and stay at a boyfriend’s house, so I don’t know. But I think she’ll flutter her little blue eyes and be able to get away with more with her dad.

Do you think Tom will be a protective dad?

Definitely. Some of our friends have got little boys and he’s like, “She’s not going near them!” It’s funny, because boys know what boys are like. They don’t want anyone to break their daughter’s heart.

Can you tell what Orla’s personalit­y is like already?

She’s definitely someone who knows what she wants! When she doesn’t want any more of her bottle she’ll do this thing with her lips and puts them together. I’m like, “OK, diva!” She’s very knowing and she stares at you. I just love her. She loves music and Tom loves his house music. Before lockdown we always had people over, so she needs to adapt to our lifestyle. I play music even when she’s sleeping so she gets used to it.

Was it hard being pregnant and having a baby during the coronaviru­s crisis?

I’d been so busy with my work, so the lockdown helped me to stay in and nest. We’ve just bought a house and we’ve moved with a one-week-old baby! It’s scary. My parents and Tom’s parents self-isolated for three weeks before we had the baby so they could see Orla and come round. The hardest part was the


hospital, because Tom wasn’t able to be with me the whole time. I’ve tried to make it as positive as I can, by spending time with Tom and getting ready for the baby.

Who’s met Orla so far?

Just mine and Tom’s parents. Ferne also popped round and we socially distanced in the garden. Everyone else has been over Facetime. Vicky Pattison and Ercan Ramadan sent us flowers, so did Georgia Kousoulou and Tommy Mallet. I didn’t get to have my baby shower either, so everyone’s been sending lovely things. Now that we can meet people from other households, we’re going to have some more people over as our garden is quite big.

Tells us about the nursery in your new house…

[Laughs] It’s all pink. The house is all white, suede and cream and we’ve got this pink room just for her. It’s got safari photos and my mum’s bought a giant giraffe. We’ve got crystal chandelier­s and it’s so girly. For the first four to six months the baby will be in our room with us, but Tom’s worked hard renovating it all to get it done.

Looking back, did you enjoy your pregnancy?

The first trimester I didn’t at all. I had quite bad sickness, but they say girls make you more sick than boys. The second trimester was fine. Come the third trimester, oh my God, my feet were so swollen. I remember seeing a picture of Jessica Simpson and I thought, “Poor girl” and mine went like that. I put on 4½st in my pregnancy and had a lot of water retention. I’m only 5ft 3in, so I feel like the weight went to my ankles and my feet. It was like something from The Nutty Professor when they blew up.

Have you had any thoughts about your wedding?

We’ve said 2022 and it would be in the summertime. I’d like to think August, because that’s when Tom asked me to be his girlfriend in Marbella.

Orla could be a bridesmaid…

Yeah, or a cute little flower girl.

What would your dream wedding be like?

I’d like a big traditiona­l wedding in the UK, because I’d hate for people not to be able to come. My nan was one of 10, so I’ve got loads of second cousins and aunts and uncles, so I couldn’t have a wedding abroad.

How big a family do you want?

I said never again, because I hated my whole labour, but two max. I’d only have two, because I want Orla to have a sibling. I wouldn’t want them too far apart, so I think we would start trying again after the wedding.

Ferne has her own baby show First Time Mum on ITVBE. Are you tempted to film one?

I watch it and I think it’s great, but Tom and I are quite private. I love social media and I’ve got my Youtube channel, but we want to keep some things private. I love TOWIE and it was an amazing opportunit­y, but I’m 32 now and I’ve got my nutrition business, which is going really well. I do little bits with Ferne, but the whole point for me now is being a mum. You can never say never, though.

Has Ferne shared any mum tips?

Yeah, lots. When Orla had gas and constipati­on she said, “Right, you’ve got to massage her belly.” She’s got her mum, but hats off to her for bringing up Sunday as a single mum, because that’s hard. I didn’t realise how hard it is until

I had my own. That’s why I’m so lucky I’ve got Tom.

Father’s Day is coming up on 21 June. Will you celebrate?

I’ve already got something cute. Tom’s birthday is on 25 June and Father’s Day is on the 21st, so we’ll do something cute. I’ll get Tom a little present from Orla.

Finally, what are your hopes and aspiration­s for Orla?

You always want your child to be kind and grateful. She’s lucky – her nursery is bigger than my bedroom was when I was 21! I want her to be her own person as she grows and becomes her own lady with her own character. Tom wants her to be a house DJ – DJ Orla – and go to Ibiza with her! I want her to have her own mind and I’ll support her, whatever.

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