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Gemma Atkinson

Gemma Atkinson opens up about spending lockdown with Gorka Márquez and their adorable daughter Mia


Not only did she have the time of her life when competing on Strictly Come Dancing, but it’s also where Gemma Atkinson met the man of her dreams. The soap star’s relationsh­ip with profession­al dancer Gorka Márquez has gone from strength to strength since her stint on the BBC dance show in 2017, and they now have a baby daughter together, 11-month-old Mia.

When we speak to Gemma, 35, who’s isolating at her Manchester home during lockdown, she admits dancing with Gorka isn’t usually on the agenda in their everyday life.

“Dancing is the last thing we do together when we’re at home,” she explains. “He said it’s like being a painter and on your month off someone saying, ‘Do you want to do this canvas with me?’”

As well as looking after her little girl, the actress, famed for her roles in Hollyoaks and Emmerdale, has been hosting the drive-time show on Hits Radio.

Here, she talks to us about family life during lockdown, the return of Strictly and why she doesn’t feel under pressure to look a certain way…

Hi Gemma! Have you and Gorka been having date nights like a lot of couples in lockdown?

To be honest, we haven’t really. We’ve always been one of those couples who don’t really go out a lot anyway. I think because Gorka works away so much, we’ve kind of been embracing lockdown, because we know we’re never going to get this time together again. So a date night for us is really just an early night with a good film and he cooks food. We’ve not really done the whole getting dressed up or anything like that – we’ve liked being at home really. So I suppose if that’s a date, we’ve been doing that! We’re making the most of it while we can. I think the most romantic thing we’ve done is Gorka ran a bath for me once [laughs].

Have you been dancing together at home to pass the time?

No. We’ve done some dance workouts together, which we’ve been putting online, but we’ve never danced together other than in the Strictly Christmas special. I think because dance is Gorka’s job, when the show’s not on and he’s not on tour, the last thing he wants to do is dance, which I totally understand.

Speaking of Strictly, do you think it’s a good idea for couples to quarantine together this year?

It’s whatever is safest for the dancers and celebritie­s, really. The show is very much needed to give people a boost and cheer them up a bit, because it’s a show that makes everyone smile and the whole family can get together to watch it. But if it’s not safe to do so, then we need to consider that first.

There are rumours that group dances and Blackpool week might have to be cancelled. Do you think the contestant­s will get the full Strictly experience if that’s the case?

Oh gosh, yes! The experience for me began as soon as I had my first meeting. You have the experience because of all the glitter and the dresses and the fact that everyone is just so lovely – it’s like a big family. Regardless of which series you do, it’s unique and special to you as the person taking part. It’s your own little journey.

So no matter what happens, they’ll have an amazing time.

Would you still have signed up for the series if it was under this year’s circumstan­ces?

Yes, if it was safe to do so. It’s the same with every job – as long as you’re safe to do it, then you have to do it. If it wasn’t safe I absolutely wouldn’t do it, but fingers crossed it will be by then. I’ve no idea whether the show will go ahead this year, but I’m hoping so, because the UK could do with a little bit of Strictly towards Christmas.

Do you ever stop feeling nervous before you go on live television?

You never get to that stage where you’re fully comfortabl­e before you go live on air. I think the nerves are part of it, because you’re so passionate about doing it right. Aljaž Škorjanec [her dance partner] always used to say to me that nerves are a good thing because it shows that you care. He told me he still gets nervous and he’s been doing it all his life.

So it’s good to have nerves…

Yes. I still get nervous when we do a live call on the radio, even though it’s my job

and I do it every day. You think, “Gosh, what if I say something wrong?”

Would you ever do another soap?

Definitely! I loved Emmerdale and Hollyoaks. I wouldn’t be where I am now without Hollyoaks and I’ve still got really good friendship­s with the cast and crew involved with them. I’m very lucky that I’ve not been killed off from anything, but it just depends. I’m so happy doing radio at the moment and the hours are great and I’m at home, as opposed to commuting and doing overnight stays. Never say never, though.

You look amazing! Has your body changed since becoming a mum?

A lot of women have a fear of their body being completely destroyed by having a baby and it’s not the case. Obviously, every maternal journey is different and there are things that happen after you’ve had a baby that you can’t control, like loose skin and a bit of cellulite and stretch marks. But they’re all natural things that occur anyway, so I wouldn’t say I’ve changed too much. I’m lucky that I’ve always been into my nutrition and training, so I knew what to do when I came out of pregnancy. I’m back in the same clothes, but I don’t really go by sizes and I don’t weigh myself.

Do you feel under pressure to look good, especially when you’re going out with a profession­al dancer?

No, I’ve never felt pressured to look good for anyone really – only myself. I’m very fortunate that when Gorka and I met and when I was pregnant, he’s always found me attractive and I’m the same with him. Plus, I think there’s more to a person than the physicalit­y of them, but as long as I’m happy and healthy then I don’t feel pressure from anyone.

Gemma is taking part in the Do You Almond? campaign to promote the health benefits of can watch her content on Instagram @glouiseatk­inson

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With Gorka and Mia
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 ??  ?? She danced with Gorka on the Strictly Christmas special
She danced with Gorka on the Strictly Christmas special

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