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Soap Zone!


Amy and Matty can barely contain their excitement for their wedding, not realising Kerry hasn’t paid for any of it. Kerry hopes a second opinion on her necklace will yield the money she needs. Over at Home Farm, Leyla and Suzy prepare the venue and Matty and Amy arrive for their wedding rehearsal oblivious to the problem. The next day, the wedding party gets ready, but everyone is brought back down to earth when Kerry reveals she can’t pay for it. Then, after taking a mystery call, Leyla announces the wedding is back on.

Jacob attempts to hide the news of a six-week placement in Berlin from Victoria but she knows that he’s turned it down to stay with her and worries he’s missing out on his future. Victoria makes a big decision.

Frustrated that Belle is spending too much time with Vinny, Tom attacks Vinny and injures him. Elsewhere, Kim shoots down Billy’s plans to work as a personal trainer, but Manpreet urges Billy not to give up on his ambition.

Dee-dee attempts to work her magic at Roy’s bail hearing. But Roy is convinced he’s going to prison as the barrister paints him as a violent murderer and lists previous crimes of assault and abduction. The judge refuses to grant Roy bail. Back on the cobbles, Bobby takes action in the hope of proving Roy’s innocence – but he accidental­ly puts Daniel back in the firing line.

Alya receives a job offer from a rival solicitor and, when Adam treats her badly, she accepts the new job. With Alya gone, Adam and Dee-dee struggle to organise themselves – and then they receive the news that Alya has poached a big client.

Bethany suggests to Daniel that Lauren was working as an escort before her disappeara­nce. Daniel calls Nicky for informatio­n. Max watches with excitement and after taking pictures on his phone, explains to Bobby he recognises Nicky as a sex worker and realises Daniel is hiding something.

Sarah apologises to Gary for making a drunken pass at him and is horrified when Gary reveals that Maria has a hidden camera. Sarah later approaches Gary at the factory, worried about the camera footage, but Gary assures her he’ll delete it.

Overwhelme­d by recent revelation­s, Amy pulls a sickie and secretly drinks while Denise stays home to look after her. Emboldened by booze, Amy acts out with Denise, leading Chelsea to twig she’s been drinking. A furious row follows and Amy drops her bombshell – she knows about Denise and Ravi’s affair.

Things are complicate­d further when Ravi buys Chelsea a designer dress to wear to Nish’s party. When they arrive, he introduces her as his girlfriend.

Jack is furious when Denise confesses all. She tries to downplay it but Jack storms off to confront Ravi. Ravi pleads with Chelsea but she orders him to stay out of her life.

Suki is a shoulder to cry on for Vinny but she suffers with her own sadness when she learns Kheerat’s trial has been brought forward. She panics when she discovers a hidden memory stick with footage of her attack on Ranveer.

Howie discovers the true reason behind the crash as he delivers a letter regarding Kim’s court case. Kim worries about her sentence. And it’s Lily to the rescue for Amy as she hammers on the door of No27. Soon Jack is involved and, fearing Amy’s hurt herself, he calls Denise.

JJ threatens Frankie, telling her to stay silent about what he’s doing to her. Darren, Suzanne and Nancy are called to a meeting at the school, but will Frankie speak out?

Abe makes an excuse when Cleo accuses him of cheating on her. But Cleo has more questions when she discovers Abe’s bag has Arlo’s teddy in it. And former mates Sienna and Ste have a blazing row.

Melanie believes Karl is up to no good and takes it upon herself to investigat­e.

Meanwhile, Chelsea fears Paul is drifting away as his family moves into the penthouse, Mackenzie is horrified by what she learns when she digs into Haz’s past, and Sadie attempts to win over Byron’s sister, Nicolette.

Tane is walking along the beach when he hears a sound coming from the dunes and discovers an abandoned baby in a gym bag. The baby is rushed to hospital and Tane refuses to leave her side.

Theo and Valerie are loved up and high as kites when Kirby spies them on the beach. And Mackenzie puts an end to her affair with Levi.

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