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‘Daniel will feel massively betrayed’

Daniel Osbourne is back in the firing line for Lauren Bolton’s murder in Coronation Street. Actor Rob Mallard reveals that Daniel just makes matters worse when he tries to clear his name


Hi, Rob. What is Daniel thinking after he’s accused of Lauren’s murder?

Daniel’s head is all over the place. He does seem to lurch from one tragic event to another. I think he has this complex about saving people so he’s naturally drawn to situations where he can have the chance to be a bit of a hero.

How will Daniel feel when he realises Carla Connor (Alison King) has allowed Bobby Crawford (Jack Carroll) to place the blame on Daniel to take the heat off Roy Cropper (David Neilson)?

He’ll feel massively betrayed. Daniel and Carla have a long history between them and they even had a bit of a fling. Daniel made a promise to Peter that he would keep an eye on Carla and treat her as one of the family. This is a massive betrayal from someone he thought would never do something like that to him. I think this will completely change the dynamic between them.

Daniel decides to call Nicky Wheatley (Kimberly Hart-simpson) after hearing Lauren might have been working as an escort. Does he realise this could be detrimenta­l for him?

This is a prime example of Daniel trying to do something good and inadverten­tly making a complete mess of things. Daniel doesn’t think that to be seen out and about with Nicky could blow back on him – he’s just trying to clear his name and get the informatio­n that can redirect the attention of DS Swain.

What’s it been like having Kimberly back?

It’s great! Nicky is a good Corrie character and we really do have a great time working together. The nature of Kimberly’s storylines can actually be quite funny to play out, so we do have a laugh filming them. I’m thrilled to have her back.

Bethany Platt (Lucy Fallon) is a great support for Daniel, but with Nicky back on the scene, do you think this could throw a spanner in the works for Daniel and Bethany’s relationsh­ip?

It definitely has the potential to do so. Bethany had left before Daniel started meeting Nicky, and to be honest, Nicky was almost like a coping strategy for Daniel to deal with the fact that Bethany had gone, as well as Sinead. So if Bethany knows that, I think she will be suspicious to say the least – and rightly so, especially with what Nicky does for a living and their history.

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Daniel meets up with Nicky

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