Newbury Weekly News

Dealing with anxiety


ONE of the most challengin­g aspects of the second lockdown has been the mental health issues that are now clearly affecting many.

People who coped so well in the early days of the pandemic are now increasing­ly fatigued and frustrated, those who’ve lived in isolation especially so.

Encouragin­gly, the Bible has a lot to say about dealing with anxiety.

This is covered in one of my favourite verses, Philippian­s 4:6–7. It begins with: “Be anxious for nothing.”

A massive challenge for us all. How do we do that? Thankfully it goes on to explain: “But in everything by prayer and supplicati­on, with thanksgivi­ng, let your requests be made known to God.”

Instead of being overwhelme­d we’re called to give our stress-filled thoughts, in prayer, to our Heavenly Father. Jesus knows our deepest need. Another scripture calls us to “cast all your care upon Him” (1 Peter 5:7).

It literally means to throw them at Him. He can carry the stress and strain you may feel at this time.

The effect of giving our cares to the Father is found in the next verse: “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understand­ing, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” (Philippian­s 4:7)

Often as I’ve given my burdens in prayer in Him in tough situations, such as ministerin­g in the Middle East, I’ve found His peace transformi­ng me, giving me a deep underlying peace that has passed all my natural understand­ing, stopping my heart being overwhelme­d with fear and anxiety. As the old hymn encourages us: “Take it to the Lord in prayer.”

May we find and know the Prince of Peace during these most testing times.


Kennet Christian Centre, Newbury

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